Arts & Entertainment Do Your Part For The Tubes After the jump: video of The Tubes' appearance at Bimbo's, here in SF in 1976; and another surprising interpretation of "Dancin'."
SF News Mysterious Cyborg Indian Attacks Our Telephones San Franciscans awoke last Saturday morning to discover a strange robot had taken control of the horizontal and the vertical on their answering machines: a recorded voice begging victims to support Assembly Bill
SF News Belmont: More cars! More pollution! The idea behind the Climate Protection Agreement is that dense housing (that's multi-unit buildings, like a duplex) near transit will reduce car usage and oil dependence and air pollution, transforming miserable freeways to
SF News Imagine a World Where Muni has Money Fortunately, the report also had a list of the ways that Muni can turn its losses around. Here's a handful, with more after the jump. No need to convene a freakin' panel, Gavin
SF News Selamat Pagi, Lee Hsien Loong! What were they doing in town? Our sources won't say. (But how many high-profile destinations can think of in that neck of the woods? Speculate wildly in the comments!) We also don't know
Arts & Entertainment A Musical Declaration of Love Hey look, a cute kid's doing something adorable! Everyone drop everything! In the above video, young Ariana Hernandez briefly serenades a highly-principled motor vehicle. Awww.
Arts & Entertainment Going Down (And Bringing A Camera) Underwater photographers of all skill levels are invited to the annual California Beach Dive Photo Competition (or CBDPC if you like tongue-twisters). For a $60 entry fee, aspiring Zissous can dive in, spend
Arts & Entertainment Honorary Mention: Short Round you're surely familiar with; it's incredibly rare to find a screening of the disastrous Howard; and Troll 2 -- well, there simply aren't words for how appallingly, deliciously incompetent the film is. (Hint:
misc The Examiner Trafficking In Rough Trade The previous picture was also a male midsection -- a torso clutching a dangling hammer, as a matter of fact. Is this the paper's way of getting us to read the classifieds? Sorry,
Arts & Entertainment Hooked on the Brothers (the brothers, the brothers, the brothers) It would be so cool if the conductor replaced his baton with a wiimote at Play, a concert of video game music. The event features widely known songs from games in the Final
Arts & Entertainment Get Where You're Going Faster Compare these delightfully uniform navigation tools to the unformatted labyrinth that is Muni's new site, which has layers of differently-formatted menus and . Once again, we see that there is nothing Muni can do
SF News There'd Better Be Enough Agave To Go Around Suggested donation: five hundred dollars. Or, if you're feeling particularly moved by the theme, 5,437 pesos. Ha ha ha! Seriously, though, dollars only.
SF News Another Textmarkular Update Fear not: simply create a Textmark so you can get arrival times via SMS. Check our handy guide to existing marks after the jump, and you'll never be caught waiting and waiting and
SF News Population of Richmond Reduced to Just 24 "We, the people of District One," the manifesto modestly announces, "demand the recall of Supervisor Jake McGoldrick." Except it's only signed by 24 people. We don't have the census in front of us,
SF News Rescue Geary As always, the project's being held up by a one or two critics who insist that nobody wants to move any faster on Geary than they already do, and that people who ride
SF News Mystery Shelters Soon to be Glimpsed Muni's giving us the chance of a lifetime: come see the proposed new transit shelter designs! Y'see, we're going to be getting a revamp of our familiar domed-roof shelters, and Muni's in the
SF News You've Tangled With the Wrong Bike Rodeo This Time "We know who you are. You are dead meat," reads the poster at Atlas Cafe. Apparently, someone stole one of their bikes, but THEY'VE GOT YOUR GODDAMN NUMBER. Ooooh, lookout, they're going to
SF News Goodbye, Jessie; Hello, Mint Opening the street to pedestrians (aka "humans") has some opponents; some folks claim that it'll make it harder to valet their cars when frequenting the nearby hotels and malls. And to be fair,
SF News Apocalypse Comes Full Circle There's probably some kind of remarkable statement to be made here, about how it's a carbon-neutral film about monsters frozen in ice by climate change millions of years ago. Discursive wheels within wheels!
misc Free Gay Movies Stuffing Gift Bags Creating Film Badges Folding T-Shirts Assembling Guest Packets Working Press Desk
Arts & Entertainment Buysexual We are at the Castro Shopper for coming up with a funnier caption than we could regarding this Saturday's Castro Sidewalk Sale. "Imagine! Finding something cheap on the sidewalk in the Castro!" they
Arts & Entertainment Warning: "Contains Trolls." Here's how the story of "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" begins: "Once upon a time ... there lived a kind and beautiful girl named Tove whose greedy family gave her
SF News Apples Now Slightly Less Sinful Our friends to the south have come under some uncomfortable scrutiny lately for all the toxic junk they dump into landfills. Greenpeace in particular has been pretty critical of Apple's use of mercury
SF News Davis College Republicans Experimenting with Totally Faggy Performance Art Oh, what's become of our good old-fashioned hard-hearted conservative Republicans? What's next, long hair? Berets? Drapes and doilies? Irish cuisine? The Davis College Republicans are sponsoring some sort of symbolic art-game today (Tuesday)
SF News Passive Gavin We all know how effective suggestion boxes are, right? Gavin's tacked one up in city call in digital form on his "blog," or "web log." He's asking citizens to submit lists of "peeves,