Arts & Entertainment Opera at City Hall. For all info, go here. The first simulcast of Madame Butterfly was a blast and looked nothing like the photo-montage which illustrates this post. Rigoletto is an opera to make opera skeptics love
misc Let's Go See Some Art at SF Open Studios His first correctional glasses offered Mark a new view of the world, inspiring his obsession with imagery and illustrations. During his downtime on early tours with DEVO, he began illustrating on postcards to
SF News SchwarzenWatcher: Big Mouth Strikes Again Now why would somebody running for office say something so dumb? After all, rule #1 of running for an election is to try and not piss off people whose vote you want. Well,
SF News Political Junkie: Hair Of The Mayor That Bit You Yes, folks, it's true -- the floppy-haired Matt Gonzalez look sported by Mayor Gavin Newsom was for one day only. Awwwwwww! We're back to the swept-back, visible-comb-lines-through-the-front (scroll down), crunchy-gelled 'do you all
SF News Bush Ter Down! This is part of an international 190-city protest against the Iraq War (with 70 of the cities are in states that voted for Bush in 2004). They've been organizing on MySpace, and distributing
Arts & Entertainment And We Can See Those Fighter Planes Of course, this means there'll be the attendant complaints about noise and from the leftier side of the political spectrum, cries of glorification of the military and this is San Francisco and wasted
misc Fat Bottomed Girls You Make the Rockin World Go Round To summarize, basically the story goes as such: one night, most of the dancers working the peep show were, shall we say, more big than skinny. So supposedly, a bunch of guys were
SF News Gavin's Adventures In Babysitting We can't wait to read the transcripts of Gavin's text messages to the city hall high school interns next. "Do I make you horny? Also -- why don't we have solar powered parking
SF News Greetings and Salutations But wait! Don't erase us from your bookmarks just yet! Eve maybe going to greener pastures, but Rita is not going anywhere. Nor is any other of the SFist gang. As for what
misc Week in -Ist Phillyist is concerned that the war on Trans fats could affect it's beloved cheese steak sandwiches, something for which we should all be concerned. They also seem to be concerned about which subterranean
SF News Pelosi's PageGate Resolution Prohibited from Passing Foley, for those who haven't heard, was forced to resign yesterday when news of his flirtatious and extremely sick IM messages to a 16 year-old male page were made public. Yesterday, as the
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Libation Liberation: Amnesia Good Lord Almighty, we can barely remember anything. Maybe it's something in the food, maybe we're trying jam too much information into our tiny little brains, or, heaven forbid, we're just getting old,
SF News Memo to Self: Avoid Bay Bridge this Weekend Anyways, two westbound lanes will be closed from the toll plaza to the middle of the suspension span between late tonight and tomorrow morning from 11 PM to 8 AM. The Sterling, 5th
SF News Guess We're Growing Up! As some of you may already know, this is a period of growth for us here at SFist. SFist is a labor of love for everyone on our staff -- but as we've
misc (Clean) Up the Beach Anyone who wants to go, just show up at Crissy Field (603 Mason and Halleck Street in the Presidio) by 9 and they will assign your task and place to do such task.
SF News The Guilfency In Print [Kimberly] Guilfoyle's plump lips retreat into a Jessica Rabbit pout. "But you're hot Zoolander! Sexy Zoolander! Zoolander!" Thus are we introduced to New York's latest arriviste couple, The Guilfency, in October 2006's W
SF News Playoffs, Baby, Playoffs!!!!!! =Oakland finally snapped out of it and beat the Mariners 12-3 just as word filtered down the Angels lost 5-2. Your Magic Number? 0. As in "clinched." As in "playoffs!" Who the A's
SF News Pelosi Gets Hip Or maybe she's trying to get in with the hipster crowd here in ole SF, the kind of crowd who'd probably be more into congressional representatives who dance to Taiko drums than congressional
SF News Gas Guzzling Government <a href=>Goo-Goos</a> Lest you think every politician is running around driving gas guzzlers, 27 out of the state's 120 lawmakers now get to smugly tell everyone just how much gas mileage they get these days
SF News 911 Hit and Run Tapes Released On Live 105's morning show, they were playing the recordings and sort of snarking on the people who called for being a little too casual. Oh so "San Francisco" they were saying. Which,
SF News Nothing More Appreciated Than a San Francisco Summer What we want to point out is that even our traditional calendar summer was much more temperate than average. There's something about human societal relationship with the weather that causes people to complain
Arts & Entertainment The New Post Sentinel Wanna see more pictures like this? Well, starting next week, you'll get your chance! So do you remember our post from earlier this week about the dueling Daly/Black kickoff rallies? Well, as
Arts & Entertainment Baby, You Can Buy My Art As of this writing, looking at their catalog tells us that some lovely items can be gotten for as little as 90 bucks. And if you're not in the market for an actual
Arts & Entertainment The Philistine Asks for More Ball Movement. The one good thing about missing the opening night Gala --and we'd have looked absolutely stunning in a tux-- is that we got to read the underwhelmed reports of the premiere of Verdi's
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Hot Stuff: Taqueria Round Up SFist Mary gives us the tasty carne asada filling to the Chron's grand tour of burrito joints in town! News flash: Chronicle's Bill Addison eats lots of tacos and burritos as "research." Today's