SF News Craigslist Encounters: Things We Expect In The News Arrrgggghhh. Sometimes that is the one reasonable response to what people write about Craigslist. Of course we realize that due to network effects Craigslist will reach a critical mass in a city and
SF News Save The Date! Dum-dum-da-DUM, dum-dum-DA-dum..... -- that's right! SF's own J.Lo, Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom, has announced that she's getting married in Barbados on Memorial Day, in three weeks! Who's the lucky mayor TV personality? Eric
SF News Political JunkiEE If you think the Ma v. Ja race is content-free, you should try the State Senate District 8 race between Leland Yee and Mike Nevin. Yawn, unless you like trying to figure out
SF News Keep It Well-Lighted! We can't take any more of this Bay Area independent bookstore stress -- first the Kepler's drama and now this? Venerated SF independent bookstore stalwart A Clean Well-Lighted Place For Books is on
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Play</i> Here's a brief summary of the plot, so you can follow our dialogue: Lonely Cristina finds depressed Tristan's stolen briefcase at the beginning of the movie, takes his cool cigarette lighter and iPod,
misc SFist Raves: Ranch 99 Fry Your Own Fish Our vegan co-editor and labor-activist editor-at-large are going to kill us, and snide food snobs are already saying, "It's ," but our parents call it Ranch 99 (like our relatives call it King Burger)
misc Caption Contest Winner! Thanks to all for entering our Second Gavin Newsom SFist Caption Contest! We've been cracking up reading your hilarious entries! And the winner is...... San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and girlfriend Sofia Milos
SF News A's Fight! SFist A's fans' loss is our personal gain, as SFist Jake's brief hiatus gives us leave to post on yesterday's sixth-inning infield brawl at Anaheim! We love a good baseball fight. That's because
SF News Adventures In Babysitting We must admit we're kind of fascinated, in the bad way, by people who steal babies and pretend the babies are theirs. It intrigues the same part of our brain that reads stories
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Encounter Point</i> We are accustomed to the typical media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which generally emphasizes the violence and hatred. "Encounter Point," co-directed by Ronit Avni and Julie Bacha, also a co-director of "Control
Arts & Entertainment To Do Lists Wanted Local author Sasha Cagen, of the Quirkyalone movement, sent us the following request for her upcoming project, The To Do List book, which was so nice we said of course we'd ask our
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple</i> Anyone who's interested in San Francisco history must see this movie. Director and MacArthur genius grant recipient Stanley Nelson (who previously directed the Emmy-award-winning ) has put together a sensitive and thoughtful history of
SF News The Second SFist Caption Contest! We had so much fun with our first caption contest that we're doing it again! What in the Sam Hill is going on here between Gavin Newsom and girlfriend Sofia Milos, at Danielle
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Favela Rising</i> Arriving at Baycat, the Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts & Technology, about forty minutes prior to the San Francisco premier of "Favela Rising," we hadn’t banked on the sellout crowd. Fortunately,
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Drawing Restraint 9</i> While mainstream America's attention has been focused on TomKat's recent offspring and Brangelina's pending progeny, we joined San Francisco's arthouse hipster crowd at the Kabuki late Wednesday night for the local unveiling of
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Executive Koala</i> Um, we're still trying to figure out what we thought of the Japanese movie , which was screened as part of the SFIFF's Late Night series. Maybe if we'd had more of the Stella
SF News Ma v Ja: The Update Commenter Seamus! We love the name "Ma v Ja" for our new column about the 12th Assembly District race between Fiona Ma and Tori Spelling Janet Reilly! So, to update everyone on the
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Seeds Of Doubt</i> "Papa, are you a terrorist?" We spent several very fun, yet dark weeks in Hamburg, Germany (when you don’t get up before noon in December there, you don’t see much light)
SF News Castro Car Fires Wow, this is pretty awful. Yesterday around 6:30 p.m., a guy running the red down the Castro hill across Market drifted into the northbound lane and slammed into a BMW turning
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela</i> Faithful readers, you've probably noticed that this SFist watches the same types of movies over and over again: So we figured we'd mix it up a little bit and go watch something a
SF News Fiona v. Janet: Bring It On! Anyone who's played one-on-one against Mayor Newsom's gotta have some game! Look at the fire in Fiona's eyes in this picture! Bring! It! On! After a fairly moribund start (for our purposes, "moribund"
Arts & Entertainment We Read The Weeklies Last week's winner, the East Bay Express: Vote for SFist in the EBX Readers' Poll! We love the chicken holding a sword with its foot in this week's Dream Comic. A company that
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Le Petit Lieutenant</i> We woke up again today with a strange kink in our neck, which we immediately recognized as the curse of our height challenge. Ahhhh . . . . It must be those darned subtitles we were straining
Arts & Entertainment Wednesdays, The New Wednesdays Wednesday, please pack your knives and go. Tonight: We're keeping it bipartisan for once! You can stop by the Democratic County Central Committee monthly meeting at the State Building at 455 Golden Gate
Arts & Entertainment SFIFF: <i>Lower City</i> We were thankful that our friend, a native of Salvador, Brazil, quickly agreed to see "Lower City" with us. We never doubted the raw beauty of her hometown, and the film confirmed what