misc Craigslist Encounters: Free Stuff! Buy your own store! Or an Airplane Hanger! Right now there are over a dozen free pianos on Craigslist. It seems that budget cuts to state sponsored art programs are finally having an effect on music appreciation! There are also over
SF News Tanking in the Shark Tank We sort of knew this was going to happen, but here it is: after officially jumping on the Sharks bandwagon last week, they have now lost three in a row to the Edmonton
SF News Meanwhile, in San Jose... We're going to talk about something we rarely talk about-- hockey. Why? Because the San Jose Sharks are now up 2-0 against the Edmonton Oilers in the second round of the playoffs, after
misc SFist Whines & Dines: Kilowatt Old Navy has finally realized the errors of its ways and is hoping to find a new dog mascot to fill Magic’s sizeable paws. If your mutt (pure breeds need not apply)
SF News Adventures In Babysitting We must admit we're kind of fascinated, in the bad way, by people who steal babies and pretend the babies are theirs. It intrigues the same part of our brain that reads stories
SF News SFist Tech Roundup: Drop and Give Me $2500! For the record, we've now got our shiny new MacBook Pro dual-booting into OS X and Windows XP, and the process worked without a hitch. Once we bought another copy of XP, that
SF News Bush In Town Hey hey, ho ho, George W. Bush is at Cisco. Yep, ol' 43 himself is in town, down in the South Bay. He's landing at Moffett Field this morning (where he fired all
SF News Your Commute: Bad Day A lot going on: *A pedestrian by the old US Mint on Fifth and Mission was hit and killed by a 26 Valencia bus shortly after 9 a.m. today. Footage from the
Arts & Entertainment San Francisco Rising, Part Three There's so many 1906 earthquake related events, we've gotta do a third post rounding up your tourism options! Keep sending those events on in! Previous posts here and here. Additional events listings here,
SF News Your Commute: Grab That Cash We don't often wish we commuted by car from the East Bay to San Jose, but today's a special day -- bank robbers trying to flee the cops on 680 are throwing their
SF News Protestor Watch: Oakland Immigrant Protests SFist Melissa went to today's immigrant rallies in Oakland, and was kind enough to pass along these awesome pictures of the event. Over 1000 people marched for 7 miles in Oakland, while several
Arts & Entertainment Henry Rosenthal, producer of "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" Enter director Jeff Feuerzeig whose film “The Devil and Daniel Johnston” played at Sundance 2005 and won Feuerzeig the best direction award. SFist was lucky enough to catch the film at the San
SF News Asian-American Democrats Have The Power Saturday, Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean and about 400 Democratic Asian American party activists and officials filled the halls of the San Jose Marriott to attend the Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic
SF News It's Raining, It's Pouring Tired of squishy socks? You and the rest of the Bay Area -- today's wet weather makes it 25 days of rain in a <30-day [ days hath March!] month, making March 2006
Arts & Entertainment Is There Room for Humor in Serious Art? Southern Exposure Seems to Think So The eccentric group of artists in finds humor in their work and in the mundane, whether it’s rearranging the lawn furniture of a neighbor or stealing luggage from an airport carousel. However,
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Never Leave Home Again But then GrubHub let us know that they've started a Bay-Area-based site. According to the email they sent us: We called 8,361 restaurants in the Bay Area (which, by the way, is
SF News SFist Tech Roundup: In Brief Microsoft announced on Tuesday that its Vista operating system won't be released until January of next year (link from CNet news.com). Office 2007 is also delayed to come out in tandem with
SF News Your Commute: TGIF Thank goodness it's Fridays, all you folks who don't work at home. Boy, it's been an almost comically-bad week for commuting: doesn't the Gitmo Montgomery shutdown seem like it happened ages ago? Well,
Arts & Entertainment Save The Mercury News Last week, San Jose newspaper publishing company Knight-Ridder was purchased by another company, McClatchy. McClatchy then decided it didn't want to keep publishing the hometown newspaper of the company it had just purchased,
Arts & Entertainment SFIAAFF: <i>Rules of Dating</i> The pervy teacher, Lee (played by Lee Yu-rim) is part clumsy lothario and part relentless sexual predator whose creepiness is only mitigated by his over-riding goofiness. In one scene he drunkenly looks at
misc San Jose's Pale Male San Jose City Hall took a break from corruption scandals for love -- two peregrine falcons are nesting on the roof of the city's newest architectural landmark, and possibly mating as well. Mayor
Arts & Entertainment Bay Area Blog Pulse All anyone can talk about is the snow, snow, snow. (OK, those last two are actually tagged as "hail," but you get the point and the pics are pretty.) In our eyes, all
SF News California MMA Starts With a Bang and Ends With a "Looping Right Hand of Death" Last Friday was an historic night in California combat sports history, as the first ever sanctioned Mixed Martial Arts competition was held in San Jose's packed-to-the roof HP Pavilion. Anticipated since the establishment
Arts & Entertainment The San Francisco Asian American Film Festival: SFist Has You Covered We're going to be seeing a ton of the movies, as well as hitting parties and other fun stuff like this Friday's and Saturday's Directions in Sound music events (we love Kero One!
SF News Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow It snowed in the Bay Area this weekend -- the first March snowstorm since 1896. And we're not just talking snow like in the Sierras or maybe on the top of Mount Tam