There's so many 1906 earthquake related events, we've gotta do a third post rounding up your tourism options! Keep sending those events on in! Previous posts here and here. Additional events listings here, and here's the official San Francisco Rising website too, if you want it.

The Exploratorium's got a monthlong series of events about the science of earthquake. You may have missed the restaging of San Francisco in jello by Liz Hickok, but you can still catch the visit with the FEMA rescue dog (c'mon, you want that dog to know what you smell like), learning how to use a ham radio, and movies galore about local earthquake information. Check out their information "Faultline" website too.

History San Jose is hosting an exhibition called "It's Our Fault Too" (two thumbs up for that title), about the effects of the 1906 quake on the South Bay. The Metro had a cool article about the exhibit that we forgot to link to in yesterday's We Read The Weeklies, about the destruction in downtown San Jose, crazy post-quake vigilantes, and how city boosters tried to use the quake to get rid of all the Bay Area Chinatowns. The exhibit is at History Park at Kelley Park; here's a map with directions.

More events after the jump.

Picture of Howard Street (now South Van Ness) at 21st Street, from the J.B. Macelwane Archives at St. Louis University.