Arts & Entertainment Video: How San Francisco Made Saturday Night Live This Weekend While our esteemed colleagues at Gothamist ably cover Saturday Night Live every Sunday morning, there was a notable local element to this weekend's Matthew McConaughey hosted episode that deserves SFist attention, I believe.
Arts & Entertainment Afternoon Palate Cleanser: SNL Cast Members Breaking, The Supercut Everyone loves to see the funny folks on SNL (we're looking at you Bill Hader) breaking i.e. breaking into uncontrollable laughter at their own hilariousness while on live television. Here, for your
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Nevius Chimes In On Bacon Bacon Controversy He's a little late to this party, but C.W. Nevius weighs in on the Bacon Bacon controversy, following SNL acknowledging that it is, in fact, quite funny. Nevius, ever quick to point
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Video: Bacon Bacon Featured On <em>Saturday Night Live</em> In addition to the all-too-brief return of Amy Poehler at the news desk, we were delightfully surprised to see Bacon Bacon on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. The Cole Valley bacon joint, if
Arts & Entertainment Afternoon Palate Cleanser: Victoria Jackson How did the woman who brought us Handi-Off turn into this paranoid, confused pile of a human being? Who can say. Only the voices that swim inside her head know for sure. But
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Afternoon Palate Cleanser: Melissa McCarthy's Ranch Dressing Taste Tester Granted, if you're above the coveted 18-to-25 age bracket, and used to another season of not-ready-for-primetime players, you're almost required to claim that you've fallen out of favor with Saturday Night Live. However,
SF News GLAAD Demands Apology from <em>Saturday Night Live</em> for Transgendered Skit GLAAD (The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, an organization that hands out awards to straight people for being famous) is upset at a recently aired skit on Saturday Night Live, one that
SF News Brian Wilson To Host <em>Saturday Night Live</em>? Following in the footsteps of Betty White, Giants star Brian Wilson (who, we should point out, is just as stupendous as many of this teammates!) might get the chance to host Saturday Night
misc Day Around the Bay Tiger attack victims "yelled" at Tatiana. [SFGate] SF Main Library re-opened its first floor. We had no idea that is was closed. Still, yay! [CCBlog] Evacuating together. Aw. (Wasn't this an SNL commercial
misc Body Dysmorphia-Inducing Mannequins Gone Wild Wasn't "wardrobe-malfunction" a runner-up for Word (Phrase?) of the Year a few years back? (We have neither the energy nor patience to look for it. We're in the midst of a Walgreens discount
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight -- hey willpower at Glitterbox: At this "funk punk thrash electro discotheque" (what, no show tunes? Bah), local pop/R&B/dance band performs. DJs Javier Natureboy and Junkyard spin funk, punk,
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight -- Dreamgirls: Jennifer Hudson's performance as Effie White won her an Academy Award, and her end of Act I nervous breakdown ("And I Am Telling You") blew audiences to the back wall of
SF News Barkley vs. the Bay Area We somehow missed this, or more like didn't care, but Charles Barkley has now become Public Enemy #1 here in the Bay Area. This is because during the NBA Playoffs, Barkley has said
Arts & Entertainment A Mighty Shearer It's difficult to categorize Shearer's art because he's done radio (KRCW), TV (Jack Benny, SNL, Politically Incorrect, Ellen, Friends, Murphy Brown), movies (This is Spinal Tap, For Your Consideration, Abbott and Costello, A
SF News Newsweek Calls Us Loony It's kind of a fun article too in that it's not often you see Bevan, the Bay Guardian, and Tommi Avicolli Mecca quoted in a national newsmagazine. But why, once again, are we
Arts & Entertainment Let's Try This Again Somebody put the "SNL" Pelosi skit back up on YouTube. Since the skit is pretty funny and was taken down earlier, we're going to put it back up. Why? Because the Man can't
misc SFist Rants: Cum on Feel the Noise We were not amused. There's actually a lot of space between our place and the courtyard. In fact, we're not directly connected to it. In between us is an alleyway and then, after
Arts & Entertainment SFist Reviews Upright Citizens Brigade: A.S.S.S.S.C.A.T. at SF Sketchfest The show was frickin' great. The cast was on, barely breaking a sweat throughout their performance, and almost completely in-synch with each other. Every bit that they did was brought to an almost
Arts & Entertainment San Francisco Fringe Festival Review #1: <I>Show Me Where it Hurts</I> Thursday night was night number two of the San Francisco Fringe Festival. The Exit Café, Fringe headquarters, wasn't very busy, but they had the beer and free pretzels ready (you can eat and