SF News Winklevoss Twins Drop Their Stupid Lawsuit Against Facebook Those greedy, seemingly quite stubborn Winklevoss twins (portrayed by the handsome and strapping Armie Hammer in The Social Network), have finally decided to throw in the towel and stop trying to undo the
SF News Five San Bruno Families, One Burlingame Lawyer, Bring New Suits Against PG&E Five new lawsuits were brought against PG&E in San Mateo County Superior Court yesterday, with five families affected by the September 9 inferno suing the utility for unspecified damages as well
SF News Peninsula Wealthy Don't Want No Stinkin High-Speed Rail The cities of Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Atherton, along with five environmental and citizens groups, filed suit Monday to stop the proposed high-speed rail that will rip through their quiet enclaves, if
SF News Ranked Choice Voting System Passes Judge's Muster U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg ruled last week in favor of San Francisco's ranked choice voting system, which has been in effect since 2004. Sunset district resident Ron Dudum filed the suit,
SF News That Temporary Transbay Terminal? It Has No Toilets. For the next seven years, as a new Transbay Terminal is constructed, commuters gathering at the temporary, mostly al fresco transit hub downtown will be going without restrooms -- or just finding a
SF News Apple Hit With iPhone Lawsuits Due to poor reception on the new iPhone 4, angry customers are hitting Apple with legal action "Apple is engulfed in at least four different federal lawsuits over reception problems with its new
SF News Critical Mass Ruling in NY May Have Implications Here While Critical Mass isn't quite the city-crippling force in New York as it is in SF, Bicycle Coalition types on the opposite side of the country have been in a court battle that
SF News Litigious Lawyer Sues SFO For Causing His Divorce Local kook Stanley Hilton is suing San Francisco International Airport for $15 million for creating noise and smog that led to his divorce. He's also suing the real estate agent for selling him
SF News Woman Sued Over Libelous Twittering Be careful what you say about corporations and public entities on Twitter, dear readers! This is not your personal IM and someone might just try to sue your ass. Case in point: a
SF News Bye-Bye, Cosco Busan! Bon voyag-ee, Cosco Busan! And don't come back! The leaky Cosco Busan ship that contaminated our beautiful bay with oil is expected to get clearance to get the heck outta Frisco, setting sail
SF News Day Around the Bay -- Girl fight! [KGO] -- Barney's -- like its irritating X-Mas holiday window display this year -- is full of green, self-righteous crap. [Curbed SF] -- Mark Zuckerberg might be the next Bill
SF News August Muni Payout: $131,695.06 The biggest payout is $47,500 to a guy who broke his ankle when the bus lurched forward before he could sit. Ouch. The driver in question was Daniel Johnson, driver number 1324.
SF News June Muni Payout Part 2: $157,736.31 Some of the cases are pretty standard -- personal injury, property damage, etc etc etc. (We winced upon reading of one plaintiff who was whacked in the face when they grabbed for a
Arts & Entertainment Things Get Scrappy at the Cable Car Museum Yesterday we mentioned a book by Dr. Walter Rice and Emiliano Echeverria about transit that isn't sold at the museum. And in fact, the CCM has flat-out refused to sell any of their
misc Week Around The -Ists The nicer the weather gets, the busier we get across the Ist-A-Verse. But we like being busy. Here's a peek at what we've been up to since last week! Chicagoist had an interview
SF News Insert Bad Beatles Pun Here This whole thing started way back in the '80's when Beatles Corp got a little pissy about the trademark infringement on the use of Apple's apple logo. A deal was struck allowing Apple
SF News There is Unrest in the Forest, There is Trouble With the Trees The cops are saying that the encampment had become a public safety concern. Protestors, however, said that they weren't camping out, they were just there 24 hours a day. Ever since UC Berkeley
SF News We Got a Ticket to Ride This is actually the second time it's been tested. The first time they tried, in 2004, they had problems finding a way of synching up to all the various transit systems. Not to
SF News You're My Blue Sky, You're My Sunny Day See, according to Global Change Research Act of 1990, the Government is supposed to produce a report on Global Warming every four years. The last one was due in November 2004 meaning that
SF News Up the Judicial Branch The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is where the hearing will be held to determine if Walker was right in deciding what he decided. Another hearing is to be scheduled this
SF News The Totally Obvious Title Of: iSettle But you know who all be winners? Apple and Creative Labs, who claim to have come to an "amicable" $100 million settlement of Creative Labs' claims of patent infringement against the iPod's technique
Arts & Entertainment Happy Birthday to the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived We are speaking, of course, of television, and tomorrow marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of its inventor, Philo T. Farnsworth. Few know his name, and he never got the credit he
SF News All Together Now The case becomes even more intriguing because Walker, who as far as we can tell is not now nor has ever been a Texas Ranger, has already told the Feds that they can
SF News Back to the Future 'Stick For those wondering just what the city process would be in something like this, here it is: measure is proposed, community meetings are held and held some more to get feedback and the
SF News Voices of Dissent are Bickering at KPFA Well, if you were looking for material to parody lefty activists, look no further than the recent strife over at KPFA's offices in Berkeley. Want your lawsuits, your conspiracy theories, your anonymous mudslinging