See, according to Global Change Research Act of 1990, the Government is supposed to produce a report on Global Warming every four years. The last one was due in November 2004 meaning that they're pretty much two years late with this. You know, we had a couple of friends who did something like this in college and didn't get a diploma until they had to take some sort of easy night class to earn their final credits. Maybe we should make members of the President's environmental groups to take night school to make up for it. Maybe like a ceramics class or something. And yes, the only thing that's shocking about this is that they didn't just send out a report in which half of it is whited out. Like most of their other environmental reports.

The three groups behind the lawsuit are the Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace. The suit was filed here in San Francisco because it's the biggest court in the area and because of the court's reputation. The federal government is saying that it's no big deal, that they'll have the report in just a sec and that they feel completely "positive about (their) record on climate change." The flack then added, "no, not even I believe that." Senator John Kerry issued a statement in support of a lawsuit but we just don't have space to post it.