SF News Cathay Pacific's 7 Hour Delay Passengers reported there was no food or water and no information about the delay, while Cathay Pacific claimed everyone was happy and sleeping like lambs. They did let some folks off at around
Arts & Entertainment Frameline: <i>Spider Lilies</i> After seeing two women-centered movies at the Frameline LGBT Film Festival on Friday night, we've determined that you can tell the difference between a lesbian movie made for a mainstream audience and a
SF News Oh No, Ed Jew!: Jury Duty Many were a-twitter today when Ed Jew showed up at the Hall of Justice this morning for jury duty. Apparently he received his summons at his Sunset "home" address. And apparently, he had
Arts & Entertainment Interviews: Colma! The Musical Colma opens at the Embarcadero Cinema June 22 Introduce yourself in one sentence: H.P: Hi, I'm HP and I'm a Pisces with a Virgo rising which means I don't put any stock
Arts & Entertainment SFist Finds: '80s Wedding Send your Bay Area finds to found - at - sfist - dot - com or tag them as sfist on Flickr! Tell us where and when you found the items, plus any
misc Good Touch The attached image was created in timely response to a two-week-old article on SFGate, in which John King confesses of the proposed Muni shelters, "I've got my favorites, but only two or three
Arts & Entertainment Frameline: <i>Red Without Blue</i> Mark and Alex grew up as extremely close brothers in Missoula, Montana. As they entered adolescence, both realized they were gay, and in struggling to come to terms with that, both entered into
misc Top 5 Comments of The Week Hi, folks -- welcome to the latest edition of the Top 5. As SFist is community driven, we enjoy picking out some of the best comments that you folks contributed -- the ones
Arts & Entertainment Frameline: <i>Eternal Summer</i> We know commenter Lilly is dying to know what we thought of , the Taiwanese movie we were watching this afternoon in the Frameline GLBT film festival! Thanks for asking, Lilly -- though we
SF News Oh No, Ed Jew!: Gone Fishin' And the hits keep on coming! The Chron reports that when they stopped by Ed Jew's City Hall office yesterday, some wag had taped a "Gone Fishing" sign to the door. Fish do
SF News Non Ed Jew SF Political News Of The Day --The SF Dept. of Elections tossed out the Recall Peskin papers for procedural defects. As we probably could have guessed after seeing the plethora of signs at their rally the other day, they
SF News Oh No, Ed Jew!: Discussed In The Streets Before we launch into today's Ed Jew news, we just want to say -- have you guys seen this awesome debate on the political chatboard the Wall about whether our use of the
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight Geek out! At Ask a Scientist SF, a monthly lecture slash happy hour with a guest speaker on some sciencey topic. This month's meet-up touches on everything you ever wanted to know about
Arts & Entertainment The Noisette's Dan Smith Best show you've ever played and what made it great? Best show was the first at the Mother Bar in the east end of London- It was the best because it was our
Arts & Entertainment Hole/Head: <i>Man From Earth</i> & Interview We headed back to the Roxie this week for a little sci-fi at the Indiefest Another Hole in the Head festival, courtesy of director Richard Schenkman and writer Jerome Bixby, who’s known
Arts & Entertainment Der Rosenkavalier If the set-up sounds French to you, don’t worry: it reminds us of La Chartreuse de Parme rewritten by Proust, complete with the blurred genders and the turn of the 20th century
Arts & Entertainment Indiefest Hole/Head: <i>Simon Says</i> Simon Says premiered at the Another Hole in the Head horrorfest on Friday June 1st at a midnight showing. Well, an 11:45 p.m. showing. Whatever, it was late for old fogeys
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Indian Man's Love Of NoCal Wine Sparks Successful Venture Back Home We find something inherently charming about falling in love with something (especially wine), and making your passion into your life. All the more charming that the dream's genesis was here, and it traveled
Arts & Entertainment Write Your Memoirs This is all part of the autobiographical-supporting First Person Arts' Sixth Annual Memoir-Writing Contest, and this year's theme this year is "Objects of My Affections." You can send in either a Short Memoir
misc Top 5 Comments of The Week: Non-Audio! Hey, everyone -- here are the semi-arbitrary Top 5 Comments of the Week. For this, our fourth week of doing it, we thought it'd be a swell idea to try it out in
Arts & Entertainment SFist Today --CounterPULSE is hosting Paint Out!, a breast cancer fundraiser with comedians, slam poetry, and women getting their chests painted ($50 mininum donation to get painted). 3:30-7:30, $25, 1310 Mission St. (x
SF News Swells By The Numbers Number of people pictured in this week's Swells society column: 101. Number of people pictured whom we recognize: 5 (including Rita Moreno, Justice Harry Low, and Wonder Woman). Minority count: 18 (about 18%
SF News Day Around The Bay --Gavin Newsom had another Project Homeless Connect event. Reader Elihuh2001 sends along this picture, along with the note that Gavin refused the free coffee provided, in favor of a more corporate flair. --A
Arts & Entertainment Let's All Go To The Movies: Big <i>Ocean</i> This week's Big Movie: ! It’s a real surprise how divided the critics are about this one! Sure it’s franchising, sure it’s full of top shelf men in designer clothes and
Arts & Entertainment SFist Finds: Love Letter Submit your found photos, letters, objects, grocery lists, etc to found @ sfist.com, or tag them as sfist on Flickr! Tell us where and when you found them and any other helpful info.