After seeing two women-centered movies at the Frameline LGBT Film Festival on Friday night, we've determined that you can tell the difference between a lesbian movie made for a mainstream audience and a lesbian movie made for lesbians by the so-called "butch" in the film.

(Ci Qing), a Taiwanese import, played at the Castro on Friday night and as far as we could tell, the only thing that made one of the female leads "the butch one" was her sensible shoes. Takeko (aka: the butch one) is a sensitive tattoo artist who is holding on to a lot of baggage. It's a wonder she has any sex at all since every time she gets down with the ladies, something horrific seems to happen.

Her love interest is Jade, a soft porn webcam girl, with mommy abandonment issues. Jade looks like what would happen if a Kewpie doll mated with Hello Kitty. She's basically a living stuffed-animal with an oversized head and the affect of a super girly kindergartner. Next to Jade, even Shirley Temple would be "the butch one."

We enjoyed Spider Lilies but were confused by the ending. We think it ends on a happy note but what's up with the sad music?

Spider Lilies plays again on Tuesday, June 19 at the Parkway.

SFist Mihi, contributing.

Spider Lilies