In an adorable moment — albeit one carrying a tinge of sorrow, given the circumstances — Oakland Zoo's rescue cougar cub, "Captain Cal,” recently got up close with two other young mountain lions (that were also orphaned by the Zogg Fire) at the zoo.

When Captain Cal was rescued from the Zogg Fire in September, he immediately captivated the hearts of many with his splotched pattern and emotional backstory; he was orphaned during the deadly Sashsta County wildfire and sustained what would've been fatal injuries had he not been found by firefighters. Rescuers and veterinary staff weren't sure if Captain Cal would recover from his severe burns — but his condition appears to be improving by the day. In fact: Captain Cal has improved so much that he was recently able to meet two orphaned female pumas also currently at the East Bay wildlife park.

Oakland Zoo tweeted out a video of Captian Cal meeting the two orphaned female cubs (through a partition), acting quite timid. His feet in the video are still bandaged; we had previously reblogged Captain Cal's arrival to the Oakland Zoo — and noted the severe burns to his exposed soft tissues. The two yet-named female cubs arrived at the zoo earlier this month after loosing thier mother in the same fire.

Prior to meeting "his sisters" Thursday, the zoological institution said that the cub went under anesthesia and had a bandage change. Though not as quick as some would hope, his wounds appear to be healing nonetheless.

The East Bay Zoo has worked with the Bay Area Cougar Action Team (BACAT), an alliance of like-minded organizations working together to ensure a safe future for Bay Area mountain lions, over the past few years. Through this alliance, Oakland Zoo was able to partner with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to bring Captain Cal to the zoo, making him the thirteenth mountain lion to be rehabilitated and rescued at the Zoo.

You can keep up to date on Captain Cal's recovery via the Oakland Zoo's blog page dedicated to the cub at

Related: Video: Man Gets Far Too Close to Mountain Lion on Pacifica Hiking Trail, Calls to It 'Kitty Kitty Kitty'

Mountain Lion Cub Orphaned by Zogg Fire Being Treated at Oakland Zoo for Burns

Image: Screenshot via @oakzoo