Your lesbian cousin in the Marines and that hot gay daddy you've been corresponding with in secret from his base in Afghanistan will no longer have to keep their loves undercover as of 12:01 a.m. Tuesday! The Pentagon is officially lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the military as of one minute past minute tonight, and though they're trying to keep it all "low-key," it's a rather historic day for the LGBT civil rights movement. Tonight will mark the end to a weird forced-closet status for thousands of people in the armed forces that extends back to a dark deal Bill Clinton made with Republicans and the military 18 years ago.

The military has no events or formal ceremonies planned to mark the occasion, but gay rights groups are preparing a series of celebrations around the country. SF's own LGBT Center will be hosting a celebration tomorrow from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at their headquarters at 1800 Market Street. Also representing at the event will be the American Legion Troop 448, the Service Members Legal Defense Network, and Outserve.

PREVIOUSLY: Pentagon to Say OK to Gays In Military Tomorrow