SF News Dolores Hill Bomb Happens Despite Police Blockade, Moving One Block Over to Church The skaters and their fans would not be deterred on Saturday, and instead of doing the traditional hill bomb on the Dolores Street hill between 19th and 21st, they just bombed down Church Street from 20th.
Arts & Entertainment Sad: Another Bookstore Nears Death As Aardvark Books' Building Goes Up For Sale Well loved Church Street new and used bookstore, Aardvark Books, will be calling it quits after 39 years at some point in the near future as the landlord is selling the building for
SF News Fatality At Church Street Station Causes Major Muni Snarl At Rush Hour Lots of unhappy #sfmuni riders at WP. Inbound trains backed up to St Francis Cir. Outbound platform packed. @sfmta_muni #MuniMetro #munifail pic.twitter.com/WG1XuCEJm5— Paul Lanzi (@planzi) January 12, 2017 Around
SF News Behold: Shiny, New Church Street Station Escalator After several months of being out of service, much to the chagrin of countless weary Muni Metro passengers, the escalator at the Church Street Muni Station near the intersection of 14th and Church
SF News Scene From A Golden Hydrant In 1906, the Golden Hydrant at 20th and Church Street helped save parts of the Mission District after fires broke out following the Great Quake. Awarded the SF Weekly Best-Of prize in 2007,
SF News J-Church Tracks Get Ripped Up and Replaced at 18th Street A reader over at Muni Diaries sent in a few photos of the major track replacement project begun on Friday on the J-Church line at 18th and Church. The work ended around 4
misc SFist Tonight The Sound of Young America Live: Live public radio featuring Jesse Thorn, Morgan Murphy, Merlin Mann, Danny Hoch, and Bucky Sinister perform le stand-up hot. Zach Rogue (of Rogue Wave) provides the music.
misc SFist Photo: Christmas Decorations We saw this house the other day while running in Noe Valley, so it seemed appropriate to go back today and snap a photo. The decorations are on a scaffold next to the
SF News SFist Photo: How Will The Mini Get Out? We were walking home last night, and came across this Mini on Church Street. Front bumper flush with the truck, rear wheels right on the curb. How did this happen? Is the Mini
SF News Muni - Wanna Guess Where This Is Going? If you're unlucky enough to be a regular Muni rider, you may have followed the ongoing ridiculousness involving the NextMuni displays at Church Street Station. As you can see above, the display now
Arts & Entertainment SFist Finds: Next Year's 9/11 To-Do List From Lady_K via Contribute page, who found this note on Church Street in front of the Blockbuster near Market -- also, how on earth does that Blockbuster remain open for business? --
SF News MUNI - Inscrutable, or Just Wasteful? If you're like us, you noticed that MUNI put up these little paintings in several stations a few weeks ago. The one pictured above is at the Church Street station, right when you
SF News Our Kingdom For a Bus We stumbled out of the park around 2 in the afternoon, full of that dread that comes from being tired, sun fried, and a little drunk and knowing that there was no easy
SF News Bay to Breakers Approaching; Bring Your Rollerskates in Case You Can't Catch a Bus Remember how effed-up Muni was at last year's Bay to Breakers, with no signs and riders vomiting and drivers getting lost and nobody having any idea how to get anywhere? Yeah, it's probably
SF News Godspeed, James Kim This is not a post we're happy to be writing, and probably not a post you're happy to be reading either. As everyone knows by now, the autopsy of James Kim was inconclusive
SF News San Francisco Family Missing James and Kati Kim, along with their two daughters Sabine and Penelope, drove to Seattle to spend Thanksgiving with James's family. The Kims were scheduled to be in southern Oregon last Saturday night,
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Gastronomique: The Doña Tomàs Cookbook. We tried three, and we can safely say that Thomas Schnetz and Dona Savitsky's batting average with the clumsy home cook is a respectable .667. We had a decent success with the budín
Arts & Entertainment SFist Reviews: Volti ....Oh, hello! We were just warming up our voice over here. After we posted about local choral group Volti's world premiere of No More To Hide, a choral work in tribute to same-sex