Arts & Entertainment SFist Today --LAist Zach is coming to town as part of the CalArtsf alumni art festival: dance, spoken word, world music, animation, paintings, and lots more artistic expression at Cowell Theater and the Herbst Cafe
Arts & Entertainment Frameline: Win Tickets To <i>El Calentito</i>! Your next prize package? Passes to , which resident cineaste SFist Sara loved! Here's her review: El Calentito is a nostalgic coming of age comedy about punk and fascism in 80’s Madrid. Calentito
Arts & Entertainment Let's All Go To The Movies: Frameline SFist Sara gives you the lowdown on what to expect from the Frameline GLBT film fest, which starts up TODAY! Starting today, The Frameline LGBT Film Festival will be rolling out its rainbow
Arts & Entertainment Let's All Go To The Movies: Big <i>Knocked</i> How can mainstream comedy be dead when is all about inventive delivery? (Get it? "Delivery?") Stronger than Judd Apatow’s last bluntly-titled summer comedy (The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Knocked Up stands up to both
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight If you can't make tonight's reading (7 p.m.), they're in town through Friday, reading at Get Lost in SF tomorrow night and Book Passage in Corte Madera on Friday. They've probably already
Arts & Entertainment Win Free Passes To The Frameline Opening Night Screening And Party! Look! Just like we promised -- to celebrate the Frameline GLBT film fest, we're giving away free passes throughout the festival (running June 14-24). Your first giveaway, for you and a guest? To
Arts & Entertainment Russian Prokofiev, Russian Preview. There will be a party on Thursday night after the performance to start the Russian festival, which you can join too (ticket info here). We would suggest showing the Big Lebowski on a
Arts & Entertainment Something to Write Home About, in the Typeface "Incognito" FiFFteen is an exhibit celebrating the 15th anniversary of the FontFont [FF] type library. ... From legible sans serifs to handwriting fonts and mega type families with matching sans and serif variants, FontFont pioneered
Arts & Entertainment Hole/Head: <i>Man From Earth</i> & Interview We headed back to the Roxie this week for a little sci-fi at the Indiefest Another Hole in the Head festival, courtesy of director Richard Schenkman and writer Jerome Bixby, who’s known
Arts & Entertainment Der Rosenkavalier If the set-up sounds French to you, don’t worry: it reminds us of La Chartreuse de Parme rewritten by Proust, complete with the blurred genders and the turn of the 20th century
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight --At Intersection for the Arts, an evening of performances, readings, and conversations with formerly-incarcerated youth in The Prison Project, their year-long artistic exploration of the California penal system. $5-15, 7 p.m., 446
Arts & Entertainment Indiefest Hole/Head: <i>Simon Says</i> Simon Says premiered at the Another Hole in the Head horrorfest on Friday June 1st at a midnight showing. Well, an 11:45 p.m. showing. Whatever, it was late for old fogeys
Arts & Entertainment It's Time For Frameline! Frameline's got the usual lowdown of domestic and foreign movies, thoughtful documentaries, arty shorts, and of course, p0rn. Yay! Oh -- -- a movie about the Mr. Int'l Bear Competition, described as "Spellbound
Arts & Entertainment Write Your Memoirs This is all part of the autobiographical-supporting First Person Arts' Sixth Annual Memoir-Writing Contest, and this year's theme this year is "Objects of My Affections." You can send in either a Short Memoir
Arts & Entertainment SFist Today --CounterPULSE is hosting Paint Out!, a breast cancer fundraiser with comedians, slam poetry, and women getting their chests painted ($50 mininum donation to get painted). 3:30-7:30, $25, 1310 Mission St. (x
Arts & Entertainment SFist Today Lotta stuff going on today, a lot of which we've mentioned before: Another Hole In The Head continues and the Black Film Festival gets started! Also, it's the Berkeley Edge Fest. Here's some
Arts & Entertainment Let's All Go To The Movies: Big <i>Ocean</i> This week's Big Movie: ! It’s a real surprise how divided the critics are about this one! Sure it’s franchising, sure it’s full of top shelf men in designer clothes and
Arts & Entertainment The Philistine: The Tyrant. Despite wearing the beret of a dictator, Duykers comes across as pretty innocuous as far as tyrant goes: he anguishes about writing a speech for the 20th anniversary of the coup that put
Arts & Entertainment Let's All Go To The Movies: Local Feasts! La Vie En Rose (the Embarcadero) is a full course, all four food groups, soup and cocktails, dinner of a film. (It screened at the SFIFF, and we loved it then too!) And
Arts & Entertainment Indiefest Hole/Head: <i>Blood Car</i> SFist Sara says to see the second screening of this movie TONIGHT! 9:30 screening at the Roxie! From the look of it, you'd think the Indiefest Another Hole in the Head movie
Arts & Entertainment Quenching our <i>Thirst</i> at Another Hole in the Head Well, it was no or Lost Boys, but we did get a few laughs out of The Thirst this week at the Another Hole in the Head Indiefest film festival. The Thirst thrust
Arts & Entertainment Why Do We Always Come Here? The excitement begins on June 21 with "Muppets 101," a sort of primer on who and what and how. It's followed over the next two weekends with screenings of "Labyrinth" and "Dark Crystal"
Arts & Entertainment Indiefest Hole/Head: <i>El Muerto</i> 's not quite a horror movie. It's more reminiscent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer than Friday the 13th, only instead of a perky blonde in lipstick and a crop top we've got a
Arts & Entertainment SFist Tonight As part of the National Queer Arts Festival, graphic artist and memoirist Alison Bechdel is speaking at Michelle Tea's Radar Reading Series at the SF Public Library tonight! We've been huge fans of
Arts & Entertainment Indiefest Hole/Head: <i>Hazard</i> Curse you, Eve Batey! Our former co-editor is a huge horror/fantasy flick maven, and when she left SFist for greener pastures last October, we knew we'd have to watch some movies at