Curse you, Eve Batey! Our former co-editor is a huge horror/fantasy flick maven, and when she left SFist for greener pastures last October, we knew we'd have to watch some movies at the Indiefest Hole in the Head moviefest for her this year.

Problem is: we are deathly afraid of horror movies. Are we going to see a movie described as "featuring the most perverse and vile visuals ever recorded on film?" Or another movie where the special effects guy says "I have never used this much blood in a film?" Eek! No!

So naturally, we signed up for the least horrifying looking movie in the fest, which was . Hazard is a Japanese movie about a Japanese tourist who goes to New York looking for danger, and ends up in a weeklong crime spree with a loose group of Asians in America. Phew! We see movies like that all the time! Problem solved!

After the jump: A close call with the "most perverse and vile visuals ever recorded on film," and -- was Hazard a straight, Japanese My Own Private Idaho, or more like a Lost In Translation for New York?

Still from Hazard.
