Well, it was no or Lost Boys, but we did get a few laughs out of The Thirst this week at the Another Hole in the Head Indiefest film festival. The Thirst thrust shy hippie college student, Will, directly into the battlefront of a neverending war between the vampires and their sentry slayers.

We’d spoil it by telling you just who the vampires and the slayers are, but suffice it to say they aren’t the only ones doing battle in this film. There’s also the underlying age-old conflict between some raucous, chauvinist frat boys and the ROTC/intellectual/crunchy kids. After seeing The Thirst with our friend, AG, we shared a couple beers and a couple more laughs.

AG: Hey, thanks for helping me kill (pun intended) an hour and a half of my life. Wow, that was one really good bad movie. The Thirst would have been an ideal choice for Mystery Science Theater 3000. I've just dated myself but for those of you who remember it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

More of SFist Wendy and AG's conversation after the jump! Still from The Thirst, above.
