The funeral service for Dianne Feinstein kicks off at 1 p.m. in front of SF's City Hall, just as the Blue Angels pilots are set to begin doing their traditional Thursday-of-Fleet-Week practice flights.

Today's the one of the days of the year that typically drives San Francisco dogs bonkers, when the fighter jets of the Blue Angels begin their flyovers over the city, rattling nerves and teacups everywhere.

Before their Fleet Week air shows, the Blue Angels are set to take off on practice flights around the Bay at 1 p.m. today out of Oakland, just as DiFi's memorial is beginning in Civic Center. And because Dianne Feinstein, as many people reminded us this week, championed Fleet Week and oversaw the first one in the city when she was mayor in 1981, it seems possible that there's been some coordination to have the Blue Angels fly over the ceremony before it's all over.

Just guessing!

Update: Yes, indeed, the flyovers began just after 1 p.m., but it does not seem coordinated at all! The Blue Angels interrupted Mayor London Breed's introduction — she "thanked" Feinstein for the Fleet Week festivities — and multiple other speakers with their loud practice flying.

The Fleet Week air shows will occur Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with the Blue Angels flying each of those days at 3:15 p.m. Here's the full air show schedule.

The Feinstein memorial has been closed to the public, despite an earlier announcement to the contrary, but it is still happening on the the steps of City Hall, with City Hall closed and street closures around it as well.

Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to give a eulogy, and so will Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. President Joe Biden is providing recorded remarks. The Chronicle says there's a rumor that former President Bill Clinton may make an appearance, though that is unsubstantiated so far. Dr. Anthony Fauci is also in town as a guest for the funeral, and he spoke to KPIX Thursday morning about his work with Feinstein during the early days of the AIDS crisis in San Francisco.

"She was a champion [of public health] both as mayor as well as senator, and I've had the privilege and honor of knowing her in both those capacities and I can tell you, she really was an icon to us all," Fauci said.

You'll be able to watch the livestream of the memorial on SFGov TV.

Photo: Todd Diemer