After 11 new cases were reported in just two days, it's a relief that the SF Department of Public Health only added a single new confirmed case of COVID-19 on Tuesday. The total number of cases in city residents stands at 14 as of noon.

The relief may be fleeting, but it stands in contrast to the Seattle area, where cases quickly climbed into the hundreds over a matter of days. There are now 89 cases in the Bay Area, and that number is likely to continue to grow as testing ramps up this week and next.

ABC 7 reports via health officials that the new SF case was a person with known contact with another confirmed case, and is already hospitalized in isolation.

And speaking of testing, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan's foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, has gone into high gear in helping with the coronavirus threat. The foundation has bought two new FDA-approved clinical diagnostic machines for Stanford Hospital and UCSF in order to ramp up testing for the virus in the Bay Area beginning next week.

As the Business Times reports, tests for the virus will still be limited to those exhibiting flu-like symptoms or those for whom tests have been recommended by healthcare professionals. But the new machines will significantly speed up and expand the ability of local authorities to confirm new cases and potentially slow down the spread of COVID-19, the disease associated with the virus.

Evacuation of those passengers from the Grand Princess cruise ship continues today at the Port of Oakland. The Mercury News has an aerial photo that shows tents at the end of a gangplank including one with a Canadian flag on it. Also, they provide a further detail about the 1,100 crew members on board who are going to be quarantined on the ship at a different location or at sea — many of them are citizens of the Philippines. A total of 19 crew members have already tested positive for the virus, and that number is expected to grow.

Around 1,000 California residents have now been moved from the ship to quarantines at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, and Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego, both of which have previously hosted quarantines from other coronavirus evacuations.

Photo: CDC