• The driver of the car that allegedly mowed down eight people last night in Sunnyvale is an Army vet who was deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The mother and grandmother of suspect Isaiah Peoples say that he suffers from PTSD. [NBC Bay Area]
  • The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday discussed a new local ordinance that would control how biometric data and facial recognition technology are used by city departments. The Peskin-backed Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance would be the first such ordinance in the country. [Engadget]
  • Two competing housing bills were having a "showdown" in the State House today. Sen. Scott Wiener's SB 50, which pushes cities to allow dense development near transit, is going up against Sen. Mike McGuire's SB 4, which takes a narrower approach and limits development to within a half mile of transit stations and ferry terminals in larger cities. [SF Business Times]
  • At the Board fo Supervisors' budget and finance committee Wednesday, Supervisor Gordon Mar proposed a new "IPO tax" that would affect SF companies (like Uber) that have IPOs here on out. The tax would raise the compensation tax companies pay to the city to 1.5% up from 0.38%. [SF Business Times]
  • According to the American Lung Association's annual rankings, the Bay Area ranks 8th in the country for long-term particle pollution (smog). And we came in 4th for short-term particle pollution. [Curbed]
  • A 54-story tower is being proposed in Emeryville. [SF Business Times]