Following a mostly overcast weekend, Bay Area denizens can look forward to a week of sunshine and warm weather. The National Weather Service predicts temperatures hitting 70 both tomorrow and Wednesday, with the rest of the week hanging out in the high 60s. And for those of you running (or celebrating) Bay To Breakers this Sunday, a high of 66 is expected.

"We’re looking toward a more typical May routine,” National Weather Service forecaster Bob Benjamin told the Chronicle of the week ahead. Look for fog in the morning, with the sun poking through in the afternoon. “For the most part, it should be a very pleasant week," Benjamin continued.

That it is expected to reach 66 degrees today is good news for everyone looking to get in one last glass of rosé at Alamo Square Park before it is closed off for nine months of construction work starting tomorrow. So enjoy the gray mornings and the sunny afternoons — they're here to stay (at least for a week).

Related: Ready The Sunblock: Sunshine And Heat To Grace Your Weekend