Twitter may have 99 problems, but 140 characters ain't one. The company will maintain its signature limit on tweet length, as CEO Jack Dorsey recently announced on the Today show.

"It's staying," said Dorsey, his sometimes mangy beard symbolically trimmed to a smart length. "It’s a good constraint for us. It allows for of-the-moment brevity,” he added, counting internally.

Twitter's addicted user base has resisted such modest changes as a star symbol that became a heart symbol, even throwing a disorganized hissy fit on the platform after time-ordered tweets became rearranged by an algorithm.

Suffice it to say that handing opinionated users more characters to use to complain about having too many of them would have been an ironic, verbose nightmare.

However, the comments of "@jack" may still leave room for an expansion or departure from the circa-2007 constraint which he himself proposed last fall. More characters would likely come in a separate product or as some kind of extension to Twitter.

Speaking of separate products, have you met Dorsey's other company, Square? Dorsey is also CEO of Square.

Previously: Twitter Will Expand Beyond 140 Characters Via Unnamed New Product
Out Of Order: Twitter Tests Non-Chronological Feed