Angry old people can be so funny sometimes. Please enjoy this letter from an enraged older woman, writing on behalf of herself, her husband, her three cats, and her "85-year old neighbor JF who does not have email," about last weekend's Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival. The woman is an Outer Sunset resident and as of last Sunday morning she had HAD IT with the noise coming from Golden Gate Park. So she wrote a letter to Supervisor Katy Tang which was posted on Next Door — and subsequently to Reddit — complaining of being "BOMBARDED by blasting music" and being "deprived of the peace and quiet and quiet enjoyment of my own house." Oh, and to think of the animals!

If I wanted to hear this music, I would go to the festival. But I do not want to hear it and it is outrageous that I am being forced to listen to it... And just think of the poor animals and birds, etc., subjected to this cacophony with no one to stand up for them. GGP is home to nearly 53 species of mammals, 250 species of birds, 20 species of reptiles, and 11 species of amphibians. Smack in the middle of the Pacific Flyway, hundreds of bird species use Golden Gate as open space to rest and refuel. Is it possible that these festivals are violating the federal Migratory Bird Act? ... These abuses of public land have to stop. These festivals should be moved to a more appropriate location, such as some concert venue downtown, preferably indoors (with lots of soundproofing). And it is too much, coming only 2 months after that other atrocity, Outside Lands.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is how people wage war on fun. The Migratory Bird Act.

[h/t: Live105]