Unless you're this horrible human being, you are more than welcome to bring your bicycle aboard BART trains during rush hour this week. It's all part of a heavenly plan to test how bicyclists can work with regular commuters.

“This is an important test because it will be a full work week during busy commute days, so we’ll get a look at how this works in ‘prime time’ conditions,” said Steve Beroldo, BART's bike program manager

But of you simply cannot share your precious BART car with a cyclist, you are a) a freak and b) in luck. Beroldo goes on to say, “We’ve used the experience of the first pilot to make changes for this one, such as designating all three of the first cars on a train during commute periods as ‘bike-free’, so customers who don’t want to share space with bikes will have more options."

Have at it, cyclists. And, please, be sure to bathe or use a swipe of Ban before using public transit. We all have something to gain from maximum body freshness.

[SF Appeal]