Gay marriage supporters and anyone with an ounce of common sense and normal human decency are expecting another major turning point in the fight to overturn Proposition 8 tomorrow morning. The decision on whether or not California's ban on same-sex marriages is legal under the U.S. Constitution will be made around 10 a.m. tomorrow morning when the Ninth Circuit Court is scheduled to release their decision. During earlier oral arguments, the LA Times reports, the three-judge panel "appeared to be leaning toward" siding with Judge Vaughn Walker's 2010 decision ruling Prop 8 unconstitutional.

In case your interest has drifted during the various rounds of appeals in the case against Prop 8, here's former SFist editor and current face of the American Foundation for Equal Rights Matt Baume with the latest marriage equality news:

Previously: Prop 8 Returns To 9th Circuit This Afternoon
Prop 8 Backers Back In Court Today for More Legal Theater Over Judge Vaughn Walker
[LA Times]