- With its bike shops and coffee shops and fancy restaurants Divisadero is the new Valencia, says the Wall Street Journal, who just figured out what the rest of us who don't live in the Mission already knew. [WSJ]
- Registration opens for the 2012 Bay to Breakers, leading many people to wonder once again, "Do I actually need to register this year?" [SFAppeal]
- The City of Oakland is set to lay off hundreds thanks to the death of redevelopment agencies. Meanwhile, the Chronicle runs the sadface photo of Jean Quan again. [Chron]
- Is one of these stolen bike yours? Captain Corrales of SFPD's Mission Station is asking. [SFPD]
- Google has made a "disastrous decision" to screw with your search results based on your social network. [Slate]
- Here's a handy infographic filled with stuff you already know about commuter biking. [UptownAlmanac]
- City delays decision on Richmond District Jack In the Box permit. [RichmondSF]