- Your weekend Giants scores in brief: On Friday, the Giants actually got a win against the worst team in baseball, but just barely. Score was 2-1 Giants with Bumgarner taking the win. Similar story on Saturday: a 5th inning run by the Astros, followed by 4 scoreless innings sent the game into the 10th, when Astro-turned-Giant Jeff Keppinger ended the game with an RBI single. Final score: 2-1 Giants. And finally we come to Sunday, when the Giants just didn't pull through in an 11th-inning cliffhanger. Final score: 4-3 Astros. After splitting that four game series 2-2 with the Astros, the Giants have Tim Lincecum scheduled to step up tonight against the Cubs. [MLB]
- 4.6 and 3.0 Earthquakes rumbled near Pinnacles on the Monterey-San Benito county border on Saturday and Sunday mornings, respectively. Just a gentle reminder that we could fall into the ocean at any point. [BCN/KTVU]
- Sometimes we forget Ed Hardy (the man, not the t-shirt/wine label) lives in town. Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on the iconic tattooist. [BayCitizen]
- Some San Franciscans are not excited about NBC's new TV show "The Playboy Club". [SFEx]
- Everyone's worried about Steve Jobs' health, sure, but these heartbreaking photos of the ailing Appleman might be fakes. [Gawker]
- The Chronicle's Leah Garchik remembers Graham Leggat, the San Francisco Film Society's transformative board president. [Garchik]
- Richmond District baseball fan featured on the Showtime Channel (sort of). [RichmondSF]
- The Mission's US Bank building becomes new pop-up advertising space. [UptownAlmanac]