In an effort to evade being, ahem, "muzzled by the multinational corporations and the oligarchy that tries to control every aspect of our society" -- at least warned the bizarre press release we received today from Ralph Nader HQ -- we're here to inform you that Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez will be in town tomorrow. The presidential and vice presidential candidates, respectively, will speak/hold a Q&A in THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY at San Francisco State University. Info is as follows:
Tuesday, September 30th, 2:30 pm, San Francisco Rally
Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez
SF State, McKenna Theater/ Fine Arts Building
Suggested Contribution: $10/ $5 students
More Info: (510) 705-8864 or
Also, LiveJournal user didleycub would like ask Ralph, "[H]ow he thinks he's even remotely relevant to this election?" He goes on to wonder why Nader won't "focus [his] attention on reforming the two-party system?"
Good questions. What's yours?