FILM: Similar--well, sort of similar--to The Maltese Falcon, tonight's screening of the noirish classic Kiss Me Deadly (1955) involves a manhunt for a precious whatsit. Based off of Mickey Spillane's spectacular novel of the same name, KMD has Mike Hammer encountering a "doomed" hitchhiker who takes him on a whirlwind journey...with sexy results. Also, there's a mad search for the "whereabouts of a mysterious box." And the contents of said box? Are apocalyptic and wanted by "atomic age spies." A perfect nod to Earth Day if there ever was one. (An added bonus: a young Cloris Leachman stars.)
7 p.m. // Castro Theatre (Castro and Market) // $6-$9
CLUB (WEB 2.0): (Before we get started, SFist noticed something all too common at last night's Engage singles event. We feel it is our duty to point out the following: never order a mojito at an open-bar event. Don't. It's time consuming. It's rude to those waiting behind you. It's the worst thing you could do, ever. Maybe that's why you're still single, sir.) Everyone who thinks they're anyone will be over at Mighty tonight for the official Official Digg Meet-up. Come meet your fellow diggers while bopping your head to the electronic sounds of DJs Mancub and Shissla.
6:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. // Mighty (119 Utah) // free