But this Wednesday morning was a different routine with a different set of rules.

I should note from the onset that I've found most MUNI drivers to be kind and helpful. Even when they're near insane, like that crazy guy spouting strange commentary on the 43-Masonic ("Here we are!"), they get the job done.

But there is a troubling group of drivers who not only believe themselves above common courtesy, but above the law. They forget the "public" part of public transportation. Whether stressed by the long hours or a few thugs they had to deal with on an earlier run, they take out their frustrations on the rest of us. And who are we? The taxpayers who pay their salaries, the San Francisco public that depends upon MUNI to get to our jobs.

I encountered one of them that morning.

I boarded the bus as usual, displaying my FastPass to the driver. Now my FastPass is nestled in the transparent window of my wallet. I've done this countless times for MUNI drivers and fare inspectors. There had never been a problem before.

But that morning, as I walked up the steps and showed the driver my FastPass, the driver declared that I hadn't shown it to him. I whipped out my wallet again, moving my wallet about five feet away from him. His eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, had to be locked on the pass.

But the driver once again demanded that I show it to him. I told him that I had already done this twice. He then demanded that I pull the FastPass out of my wallet.