We can't stop reading these articles about the drag racer who killed the Tongan royals! (and yes, you've seen that picture before; our pictures continue not to load on this server.)
Today's news: Princess Mele Siulikutapu, the sister of the Tongan prince who was killed in the accident, has released a statement officially forgiving Edith Delgado. "Because of my personal faith ... I have no other choice but to extend forgiveness toward her, and I hope no extreme measure of violence or malice of heart will be exchanged between anyone." The Tongan princess did note, however, that this is a "moral" forgiveness only. "Justice in the courts has to come through, but we bear no malice."
The royal couple will be buried on July 21, and all Tongans throughout the kingdom will wear black for 100 days. Poor Edith Delgado -- how would she have known that her overhasty right-lane swipe would end up making royalist Tongans swelter in black outfits for the next three months?