Man, there isn't Bay Area connection to Dick Cheney shooting that 78-year-old guy in the face? We're so jealous of DCist and Austinist right now. Well, we gotta content ourselves instead with reporting on the in-your-face shenanigans of Board of Supes President Aaron Peskin and gadfly Wade Randlett. We know, it's not nearly as good.

According to Matier and Ross, Peskin and Randlett were both at the Chinese Parade VIP stand. (There's a VIP stand for the Chinese New Year parade? Our invite must have gotten lost in the mail.) Randlett, who heads up the controversial moderate-to-conservative group SF SOS, was there with his girlfriend Lorna Ho. Ms. Ho, interestingly, is the SF school district spokesperson, and SF SOS has consistently advocated against school busing as a solution for racial segregation in the district.

Anyways, so Peskin sees Randlett, and blows his stack. Peskin storms up to Ho's boss, Gwen Chan, and demands that Randlett be ejected, saying that Randlett wasn't on the invite list. Chan passed the message to Randlett, who was like, whatever, "We have some history."

The quail's in the bush! See the metaphoric buckshot fly, after the jump!
