Supporters behind the bill hope that the laws passed will pave the way for slavery reparations. It also continues with a trend of suing companies that are believed to have profited from slavery. Philadelphia and New York are also considering legislation similar to Richmond and San Francisco (natch) has held debates on the issue.

In light of recent postings in which a fluffy little interview with a politician's wife sparked a flame war about Nazism, we're going to steer clear away from the reparations debate. We will say, however, that as our forefathers were busy being raped by cossacks when slavery in the States was going on, we're not quite sure that it's fair that our taxes go to reparations. On the other hand, if the families of those cossacks want to send us a check, we'll be more than glad to take it. For arguments for reparations, go here. And for arguments against reparations, go here.

Image of Levar Burton as Kunta Kinte from Roots