SF News Day Around The Bay: Mission To Mars Some Bay Area folks are finalists for that one-way Mars trip, where the rent is presumably cheaper. [CBS5] Michael Bauer comes out against the current system of tipping. [Chron] A very impressive woman
SF News Day Around The Bay: Chinatown Seriously Needs Sidewalk Help UC Hastings Law School is looking to build some huge new buildings in the Tenderloin. [Chron] Local woman thought she had the flu. Turned out to be flesh-eating bacteria. [ABC 7] Despite having
SF News Day Around The Bay: Sloppy SFFD Documentation At Site Of Mission Fire Fire officials have acknowledged that their inspectors were lax when it came to documenting repairs of violations like the ones found (for years) at the building at 22nd and Mission Street that burned
SF News Day Around The Bay: Happy Sylvester Day! Today has been declared Sylvester Day in San Francisco. And you know about the Sylvester musical right? [EurWeb] Powell Street BART station filled with smoke today due to a "sparking track insulator." [AP]
SF News Day Around The Bay: Never Tweet How Being Flip On Twitter Can Ruin Your Life: The Justine Sacco Story Remember her? She tweeted "a joke" and then got in a plane, and by the time she landed everyone was
SF News Day Around The Bay: SF Not Safe For LGBT People? First it was drag queens, and now Native Americans have been the target of a Facebook crackdown over "fake" names, which actually are not fake. And it looks like this dates to around
SF News Day Around The Bay: Sean Parker and Facebook Donate To Rand Paul There are now, allegedly, over 75,000 people on the waiting list for "Tinder for educated elites" The League. But is it really that exclusive? [CBS 5] Remember this lawsuit where some guy
SF News Day Around The Bay: Hemlock Tavern Might Face Demolition Farewell, Geary Boulevard Radio Shacks! Oh, come on, like you're surprised. [Richmond SF blog] Do you live on landfill? If you can handle the anxiety that might come with the knowledge that you're
SF News Day Around The Bay: Free Reefer San Francisco, where the medical pot is free if you use this weed delivery app for the first time. [SF Weekly] Playland Bar, which has been suspended due to allegations of an employee
SF News Day Around The Bay: Why Google Glass Broke Here is a most excellent long-read by Nick Bilton on "Why Google Glass Broke," and how that whole strategy with the Explorers backfired. [NYT] Twitter CEO admits that they “suck” at dealing with
SF News Day Around The Bay: Call The Fashion Police Thousands of dollars in fancy-pants shoes have been stolen from a Union Square DSW. [SF Racked] Supervisor Yee says tour bus drivers shouldn't be tour guiding and driving. [CBS 5] Will Ocean Beach
SF News Day Around The Bay: Super Bowl Sex Sting A prostitution sting nabs 23 johns in the East Bay during the Super Bowl. [Chron] Emeryville police have fatally shot a woman on the border of Oakland. [Chron] A Lyft marketing campaign chalks
SF News Day Around The Bay: Do Not Bring Your Dog To Lake Chabot! Drinking water from Oakland's Lake Chabot has proven deadly for (at least) three dogs. [CBS 5] The radar beacon that guides ships under the Bay Bridge is broken, increasing the chances of a
SF News Day Around The Bay: The SF Bachelorette, Season 2? The show goes on for the bachelorette who took one lucky applicant on a dream date to Noma in Japan (he had to pay his way, of course). Still convinced she's on television,
SF News Day Around The Bay: W. Kamau Bell And Berkeley Racism In what he calls "textbook racism," comedian W. Kamau Bell was asked to leave a Berkeley Restaurant. [W. Kamau Bell] Four local chefs reminisce about the shuttered restaurants they miss most. [SF Eater]
SF News Day Around the Bay: The Apple Watch Arrives In April The NYT just put out an opinion documentary about a 24-hour bus line in Silicon Valley that’s become a homeless refuge, because of the lack of adequate shelters. [NYT] Services for homeless
SF News Day Around The Bay: Adbusting Islamophobia Folks are covering those explicitly Islamophobic Muni ads with images of a Muslim superhero. [io9] Does BART need platform walls? [mrericsir.com] A community remembers Benihana staffer and student killed in that Hayes
SF News Day Around The Bay: There Will Be No Vaping On BART The BART Board has agreed to ban e-cigs, vaping, system-wide. [BART] The NY Attorney General says he's keeping a close watch on Uber today as the state gets hit with a huge blizzard
SF News Day Around The Bay: Hipster Bank Robber No, he's not robbing banks ironically, but this thief "likes to dress like a hipster" and has struck seven times. [KRON 4] About burying those utility wires... it isn't gonna happen. [ABC 7]
SF News Day Around The Bay: New Barrier Makes People Speed More On Golden Gate A new manufacturing center that could provide space for local makers of all stripes, run by the non-profit SFMade, may be headed for the Design District. [Chron] The Civic Center Hotel on mid-Market
SF News Day Around The Bay: Let's Not Get Hysterical About Guy Not Falling Out Of Wheelchair We saw this video yesterday, but now Vice has published a different video that does not show the lead-up, and only shows SFPD officers appearing to push a disabled guy off the sidewalk
SF News Day Around The Bay: Are You My Uber? This inconvenienced man says to lock your doors in San Francisco because you might be mistaken for an Uber. Hey, it happens, but it sounds like his life will be okay! [The Awl]
SF News Day Around The Bay: Furries In San Jose San Jose was a zoo with Furries last weekend. [SJ Mercury News] The Bay Guardian’s commemorative final edition cover has been revealed, and it comes out as an insert in the SF
SF News Day Around The Bay: Cosby Is Coming Bill Cosby, despite everything, is on tour doing a standup show, and he's performing to a soldout house at the 1,000-seat Turlock Community Theatre in Stanislaus County on Sunday night. [Chron] London
SF News Day Around The Bay: San Jose Shooting Inspires Judge To Pull Chris Brown's Probation Someone stole a GoPro equipped SF Rec and Park owned drone. Which, don't you wonder what Rec and Park does with a GoPro equipped drone? I sure do! [SF Weekly] Junipero Serra, founder