SF Restaurants, Food & Drink The SF Chronicle Is Reviving the Top 100 Restaurants List at Last After more than five years in which the San Francisco Chronicle has published a bevy of shorter food lists, the big grandaddy of them all, the Top 100, is making a comeback.
SF News Chronicle Staff to Temporarily Leave Historic Headquarters as Hearst Prepares to Demolish Next-Door Building The Hearst Corporation is looking to revive a stalled condo tower project on the site of the former SF Examiner offices — a building at 110 Fifth Street that is connected to the Chronicle headquarters by a bridge over Minna Street.
SF News Retiring Chronicle Reporter Kevin Fagan Would Like Everyone to Stop Sending Him Zodiac Killer Tips The enduring legend and unsolved case of the Zodiac murders in the Bay Area has now haunted multiple generations of both police detectives and crime reporters in the city. Kevin Fagan is one of them, and he's retiring, effective today.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink New Chronicle Critic MacKenzie Chung Fegan Begins Tenure With Zuni Review Much like her predecessor in the job, Soleil Ho, newly installed Chronicle restaurant critic MacKenzie Chung Fegan took on a Bay Area sacred cow for her first review at the paper, Zuni Café.
SF News Chronicle Columnist Heather Knight to Become SF Bureau Chief for New York Times Longtime Chronicle staffer Heather Knight, who has been the paper's most-noted weekly columnist on San Francisco's foibles, politics, and more for the last five years, has landed a job as San Francisco bureau chief for the New York Times.
SF News SF Chronicle Now Seems to Regret Amplifying the 'Doom Loop' Narrative It Heavily Amplified The San Francisco Chronicle is standing like a kid who cried "Fire!" amid a rush of sirens and chaos asking what all the fuss is about, as it has a front-page story today about the ramifications of the "doom loop" narrative the paper itself amplified.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Soleil Ho Is Stepping Down as Chronicle Restaurant Critic After Four Years Four years, a James Beard Award, and a pandemic later, Chronicle food critic Soleil Ho is relinquishing the post — and without a whole lot of explanation.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink The Chronicle Publishes a New Top 91 Restaurants In Four Parts, Ignores Wine Country In the quest to do best-of lists at the Chronicle Food Department without actually replicating Michael Bauer's once-popular Top 100 Restaurants list, there have been some false starts since Soleil Ho began her tenure as critic two years ago.
SF Politics Willie Brown's Chronicle Column Is Ending After 12 Years Former SF mayor Willie Brown will no longer be lending his gossip and opinions to the Chronicle as of next month. The controversial — and many would say highly problematic — "Willie's World" column is coming to an end after 12 years, and it sounds like it was not Willie's choice.
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Chronicle Launches a Bizarre 'Top 25' That Will Be Updated Quarterly, Kind of Like the Eater 38 It's seemingly been a struggle for the Chronicle food department and restaurant critic Soleil Ho in assuming the albatross of Michael Bauer's Top 100 list ever since Bauer retired and Ho took his place.
SF News Facebook May Also Be Looking At Offices In The Chronicle Building Following news last week that Facebook and/or its subsidiary Instagram was eyeing office space in the new 181 Fremont tower with one rumor suggesting they might want to take the entirety of
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink For The First Time, Chronicle's 2017 Rising Star Chef Class Includes No White Males Responding to criticism about the list's usual lack of diversity, and starting last year, the San Francisco Chronicle took the annual Rising Star Chefs feature out of the hands of critic Michael Bauer
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Michael Bauer Rings In 30 Years As Chronicle Critic, 5,320 Reviews Later This week Michael Bauer is marking 30 years at the Chronicle, where he's served as food editor and restaurant critic since 1986 after moving the Bay Area from Dallas. As part of his
SF News Chronicle Issues Early Endorsement Of Hillary To Stave Off Armageddon For some asinine reason, the Chronicle refused to endorse anyone in the June primary, deciding instead to pussyfoot around the Bernie vs. Hillary debate and come to the conclusion that none of the
SF News Chronicle Columnist Hypes Same Website Under Scrutiny For Potential Conflict Of Interest With Paper We're probably going to have to chalk this up to longtime Chronicle columnist Leah Garchik's lack of awareness, but in her latest column she happens to be hyping the same rich-people-experience site, IfOnly
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink SF Mag Raises New Questions About Chronicle Food Critic Michael Bauer's Boyfriend Great night (last nite)at the @FlavorNapa 'Young Guns' dinner - paired with beautiful wines of @inglenook1879 with my pal @angela_jackson84 + MB A photo posted by Michael Murphy (@curiousmikie) on Mar 19,
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Michael Bauer Drops Gialina, AQ From Top 100, Adds Petit Crenn, Trestle, And 17 More A couple of weeks earlier than usual, Chronicle restaurant critic Michael Bauer has unveiled his Top 100 Restaurants in the Bay Area a longstanding Chron tradition that serves as a kind of locally
SF News Examiner Lawsuit Against Chronicle Maybe Backfiring As Judge Orders Sanctions, Shifts Legal Fees To Examiner The "Hearst eagle," a masthead symbol that still adorns the San Francisco Examiner, was created by William Randolph Hearst during the paper's prime as a flagship Hearst Media property. But these days, the
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Ruin Your Super Bowl Party With The Chronicle's Perverse 1948 Guacamole Recipe We're at the one-yard line of completely eff-ing up the Super Bowl, becoming the worst and least grateful host city in 50 years, and frankly everybody seems pretty excited about it. With the
SF News SFMTA Investigation Into Nevius Fare Evasion Complete, Preferential Treatment Confirmed A SFMTA investigation into Chronicle columnist C.W. Nevius's bizarre article detailing his Muni fare evasion and subsequent getting off scot-free was completed last week, and today we learn the results. It seems
SF News C.W. Nevius Tries To Ride Muni For Free, Gets Caught, Throws Fit San Francisco Chronicle star columnist C.W. Nevius has the unfortunate habit of casting himself in the role of hero in his own stories. And a new blog post from him is no
SF News The Chronicle Discovers That Coffee Costs Four Dollars In a print package that was a cover piece of the Sunday paper titled "San Francisco's Strange Detour From Paradise to Parody," the Chronicle comes way late to the game (surprise) in lamenting
SF News San Francisco's Sh** Still Stinks, But Is This Summer The Worst Ever? Let's take it as a given that the status quo of San Francisco streets is crap. But is 2015 the worst "summer of muck" on record? Certainly Debra Saunders thought so when she
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Photo Du Jour: Michael Bauer, Incognito Arguably anonymous Chronicle food critic Michael Bauer took another step toward non-anonymity with an on-camera interview recently. This interview with The New West's Will Hearst appears to have been posted last month, but
SF Restaurants, Food & Drink Former Chronicle Food Columnist GraceAnn Walden Dies A notoriously feisty monger of local restaurant gossip, GraceAnn Walden, has passed away suddenly of unknown causes. Walden was the founding columnist writing The Inside Scoop in the Chronicle, beginning in 1991, dealing