Willie Brown calls bullshit on Trump's story about sharing a bumpy helicopter ride, but it turns out Trump did ride in a helicopter once with a California politician named Brown.

In his usual fashion, Donald Trump gave a bizarre and rambling press conference Thursday at Mar-a-Lago, hoping to shift some attention back to him and away from Kamala Harris. As discussed yesterday, he tried to invoke former SF Mayor Willie Brown, claiming that Brown badmouthed Kamala Harris to him in a private conversation, saying Brown "told me terrible things" about her. (Harris and Brown dated for about a year in the 1990s.)

Trump says this happened while they were sharing a helicopter ride. "I know Willie Brown very well," Trump said. "I went down in a helicopter with him — we thought maybe this is the end."

He continued, "We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. This was not a pleasant landing."

Trump didn't name a year for this event, but Willie Brown was quick to deny this ever happened, as SFist noted in Day Around the Bay late Thursday. To wit, Brown told the New York Times, "You know me well enough to know that if I almost went down in a helicopter with anybody, you would have heard about it!” Further, he said he was never in a helicopter with Trump.

The two men did meet, though, when they both made cameos on the same episode of the sitcom Suddenly Susan in 1997. You think Trump remembers that far back?

Not likely. Governor Gavin Newsom tells the Times, "I was on a helicopter with Jerry Brown and Trump, and it didn’t go down." This was in 2018, when then-President Trump made his obligatory visit to see the disaster area left by the Camp Fire, when Jerry Brown was still governor.

"It was back when we were making raking the forest great again," Newsom quipped, referring to Trump's infamous remarks about California not doing enough to clean up debris on forest floors.

Newsom did note that Trump spent a good portion of the helicopter ride commenting about how they might crash.

As the Chronicle reports, Jerry Brown said through a spokesperson that Kamala Harris was not a topic of discussion on that helicopter flight. And Newsom tells the Times, "We talked about everyone else, but not Kamala." He added that the comments from Trump were "an act of desperation" due to Kamala's growing momentum.

This would all be more hilarious if tens of millions of Americans didn't still want this man to be president again, so we can spend another four years listening to him spew bullshit like this while destroying the world order for his own egotistical pleasure.

Update: There seems to be a better explanation for this story, but it still wasn't Willie Brown in the helicopter. Trump reportedly did share a harrowing helicopter ride, which made an emergency landing in New Jersey, around 1990 with a different Black politician from California, Nate Holden of Los Angeles.

Previously: Trump Claims In Bizarre Press Conference That Willie Brown Said ‘Terrible Things’ About Kamala Harris

Images: Jerry Brown photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images; Willie Brown photo by Kimberly White/Getty Images