A 15-month-old boy who fell from a third-story window in the Mission District last week has died from his injuries.

The boy, identified by family as Ulises Gonzalez, fell out of the window at 2315 Mission Street on July 3. It was previously reported that he was gravely injured, but a GoFundMe posted by a friend of the boy's mother indicats that Gonzalez died later that day from his injuries.

Mission Local has a full description of the tragedy from a downstairs neighbor, Russell Gourneau, who says that he helped the mother get the boy after he fell into a narrow, 14-inch gap separating the building from one next door.

From the backyard of the building, Gourneau and the mother, whose name has not been publicized, were able to see the boy lying on the ground but could not reach him at first because there was a fence in the way.

Gourneau managed to unscrew part of the fence and create a space wide enough for the mother to squeeze through. The boy was still alive, Gourneau tells Mission Local, and "cried for a little bit."

Arriving paramedics said that the boy's injuries were "consistent with a fall."

Gourneau tells Mission Local that the family had only been living in the building for a few months.

"Ulises was the sweetest boy, he was 15 months old and had the best personality," writes family friend Sarah Tuvo on the GoFundMe page. "He loved to play with his parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I was honored to know Ulises and will forever be grateful for that."

In seeking donations for funeral expenses, Tuvo writes, "With both of his parents needing to take time off of work to process the unimaginable grief they are facing, they are hoping friends, families, and community members can help."