While SF has decided to toss out the new and widely criticized center-running bike lane on Valencia Street, a bicyclist was hit, bloodied up, and hospitalized this weekend by a driver reportedly making a U-turn on that street.

After ten months of controversy, the unusual and some would say counterintuitive center-running bike lane on Valencia Street was declared a failed experiment by the SF Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), who in June ordered the lanes be moved back to the curb. The problem is that the lanes won’t be moved until early 2025 at the soonest. And that can’t come fast enough for some bicyclists, as Streetsblog brings us the news that another cyclist riding in that bike lane was struck by an oncoming vehicle Friday night. The vehicle was reportedly making a U-turn.

This is not the first time that a driver making a U-turn has crashed into a rider on that bike lane, the same thing happened to a scooter rider last October. Some critics have also blamed the center-running bike lane for a car crash that killed a pedestrian in September, though it’s unclear if the bike lane played a role in that.

In the case of Friday’s collision, the aftermath is seen in the video above. “We’re at 1th and Sycamore, Valencia and Sycamore,” a narrator says. They add that the driver of an SUV “made a herky-jerky U-turn, and basically T-boned this gentleman on the ground, who is in shock and spitting up blood.”

The SF Standard confirmed the account as true, with first responders arriving at 7:22 pm, and the victim being transported to SF General Hospital. It is not confirmed whether the driver was making a U-turn.

Image: Joe Kukura, SFist

It may be fortunate for the victim that this happened right in front of the SFPD Mission Station, so police were on the scene quickly. And again, this is the exact same spot (seen above) where the October scooter collision happened. Or it may not be fortunate that this is right in front of the SFPD Mission Station, as there is a gap in the bollards apparently put there at the behest of the SFPD for their vehicles, and apparently that gap is tempting for drivers to make illegal U-turns.

“This gap in the bike lane has been a contentious aspect of the design that we’ve opposed because it would invite exactly this kind of illegal behavior,” SF Bike Coalition executive director Christopher White told the Standard. “It has been maintained at the insistence of SFPD.”

Whatever the merits of that argument, the Twitter/X account @friscolive415  posted again on Sunday about similar U-turns. “Just 2 days after this accident that left a cyclist in shock and spitting blood according to witnesses, the gap that allows SFPD easy entry into their Mission Station parking lot is still being exploited by drivers, even in the presence of law enforcement,” the account says. It’s not specified when that video was taken.

Related: Valencia Street Shop Owner Declares Hunger Strike Over Bike Lane With Gloriously Rambling Graffiti Message [SFist]

Image: @friscolive415 via Twitter