Another COVID-19 outbreak in the correctional system, as SF County Jail is seeing a spike with 42 prisoners currently infected, though the highest numbers of infections are being reported at the County Jail No. 3 facility which is in San Bruno.

It’s no secret that these are troubled times at San Francisco County Jail. In April, two SF County Jail facilities were placed on lockdown amidst a rash of attacks on deputies. SF Sheriff Paul Miyamoto blamed the violence on severe staffing shortages, while the deputy sheriffs’ union demanded the city call in the National Guard and deploy them in our jails. (Which did not happen.)

But now more headaches — literally — at SF County Jail, as Bay City News reports there’s been a COVID outbreak at County Jail facilities over the last week. According to a Tuesday statement from the Sheriff's Office, 42 incarcerated people are confirmed to have the virus. The highest number of infections is being reported at County Jail No. 3 in San Bruno, though the office did not break down case count by facility.

This is consistent with the summer COVID surge currently being seen around the Bay Area, and really, all over the country.

“Jail staff began seeing an uptick in COVID cases last Thursday, June 20th, and took immediate steps to test and separate infected individuals from the rest of the population,” the SF Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. “High-risk patients will now have COVID testing ordered regularly.”

There have been no deaths or hospitalizations related to the outbreak, according to the Chronicle. But prisoner advocates and attorneys are still crying foul over the latest crisis at the facilities.

“This COVID outbreak will add more time and trauma for those in jail, further delay justice proceedings, and create even higher caseloads for our attorneys,” SF Public Defender Mano Raju said in a statement to the Chronicle.

For their part, the SF Sheriff's Office says they will ramp up the wearing of N-95 or KN-95 masks, and perform testing more regularly. But looking at the bigger picture, the CDC says that COVID cases are currently “growing or likely growing in 39 states” nationwide, while declining in precisely zero states.

Related: Yet Another COVID Uptick Hitting California, and the Bay Area Is Seeing the Worst of It [Joe]

Image: Kevin Y. via Yelp