The final redistricting maps are in, and the assembly district David Campos and Matt Haney are running for is slightly reconfigured, but not as whitewashed as originally proposed.
It’s the year after the annual Census, and that means redistricting time. District lines are being redrawn, mostly marginally, for SF Board of Supervisors seats, Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district, and state senator Scptt Wiener’s district. But the proposed new redistricting map for San Francisco state assembly districts contained a pretty big problem for state assembly candidate David Campos — his Bernal Heights home would no longer be in the district he was running to represent, and presumably, he’d have to move.
Final Maps delivered to the @CASOSvote #California #redistricting
— WeDrawTheLinesCA (@WeDrawTheLines) December 27, 2021
Welp, the redistricting commission submitted its final new maps Monday, and that crisis (for Campos) has been averted. The San Francisco Assembly Districts AD-17 and AD-19 have their old and new district boundaries represented below, with the current map on the left, and the upcoming new map on the right.

We still have the traditional east-west divide, but slightly more of Chinatown, the Western Addition, and West Portal move from District 19 to District 17. But concerns about the new “majority-white” AD-17 will no longer be concerns.

As seen above (proposed new lines in aqua, the lines they actually passed are in green), we are not moving the Marina and Presidio into AD-17, and both will remain in AD-19.
Clearly not everyone is thrilled with the final new district lines that came from this process. “I would defer to the commission on why they made these changes, but this is definitely a district with some significant changes,” supervisor Matt Haney told the Examiner (Haney is also running for the AD-17 assembly seat.
These lines still are not final, but they’re closer to being finalized as of Monday’s submission. "We will now send these maps to the Legislature and to all 58 counties for implementation," California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber said in a release.
The final maps are still not approved, though barring any massive lawsuites. They’re likely to be rubber-stamped. But the redistricting is only one of the major complicating factors for Haney and Campos’ respective runs for the assembly seat David Chiu gave up to be SF city attorney. As we reported in November, there could be as many as four elections in 2022 for the same seat.
The new district lines would not yet be in effect for the February 15 primary or the April 19 special election for the seat, but they would be in effect for the June 7 primary and the November 8 consolidated election for that seat.
Related: There Could be Four Elections for This Same D-17 State Assembly Seat in 2022 [SFist]