On Saturday afternoon, a massive crowd walked toward Embarcadero Plaza from Civic Center during this year's Women's March — the first one held without former President Donald Trump in office — to advocate for reproductive rights.

This weekend saw a promenade of signs calling for female autonomy go up and down in San Francisco for the 2021 Women's March. Among the thousands of attendees was a collection of activists and organizers, which included the Women’s March San Francisco co-founder Sophia Andary.

Those who found themselves in the crowd could attest to the palpable rage that was present. People chanted, waved signs, and hoped to spread a pro-abortion-rights message to the community and beyond — words that strike a particular chord after the passing of Texas’ new, The Handmaid’s Tale-like abortion law.

Having to constantly remind the masses that women should have the right to their own bodies is weighing heavy on some demonstrators, no doubt. However... that's no reason to stop advocating for women's rights.

"We're tired of having to do this over and over again," a protester said to NBC Bay Area. "But we got the energy. We're not going to stop."

In contrast to Texas' governor, California’s Newsom recently signed a collection of bills into law designed to protect the privacy of patients and abortion providers.

"I'm just glad we live in California," another demonstrator mentioned to the news outlet. "We're all very lucky we live in California."

This year's Women's Marches held across the country also come at a time when the Taliban has again seized control of Afghanistan. Women have been banned from attending Kabul University — but the college's chancellor has said women will still be allowed, though will be segregated. Women protesting the Taliban's restriction on their rights have been publicly beaten. Alas, the fate of women's rights in the country remains in limbo.

But with 45 now out of office, at least these marches were held during an administration that's (much more) in line with female autonomy.

If you didn't get a chance to attend SF's Women's March on Saturday, here are some of our favorite tweets from the happening.

Related: Photos: Hundreds Rally in San Francisco for Women's March

Photo: Courtesy of Twitter via @ecomuse