Defying stay-at-home orders and clearly unconcerned about spreading the coronavirus, around 400 to 450 people gathered in East Oakland Saturday to watch an illegal sideshow in an intersection.

Usually these sideshows have to block through traffic, but these scofflaws took advantage of the empty streets on March 29 and did some donuts — and hundreds were there to watch in close proximity to each other, as seen in the video posted to YouTube below.

In the video you can see what appear to be four people in a gray sedan, spinning through the intersection and burning plenty of rubber.

Multiple people posted about two different Oakland sideshows on Sunday on Twitter. KTVU estimates the crowd at one to have been about 450 people, and the Oakland Police Department reportedly swooped in and arrested three people, cited 14 others, and towed a dozen cars.

One sideshow happened at International Boulevard and 38th Avenue, and another one occurred at 55th Avenue and Foothill Boulevard.

Given the history of sideshows in Oakland this was probably a sad inevitability during this tense time when people are feeling cooped up.

The last set of local sideshows were actually on the San Francisco side of the Bay in late February, weeks before any of the shelter-in-place orders took effect. Donut-spinning cars converged in five separate locations in the wee of hours of a Sunday in SF, eluding the SFPD who only were later trying to capture license plate numbers from videos on social media.

Previously: Dozens of Cars Converge on SF for Five Separate Sunday Morning Sideshows