So much for my conspiracy theory that Google’s Nest devices are just creepy IoT surveillance technologies with marginal consumer upside. One marginal consumer got symbolically smacked upside by the video-sharing social media “fashion police” of Cow Hollow jumper, blouse, and accessory boutique ANOMIE. After getting shoplifted out of $230 worth of merchandise, ANOMIE posted their Nest surveillance video of the incident to Facebook. The Nest egged nearly 1,500 video views, and the embarrassed shoplifter promptly returned the merch, with extra cash, and a handwritten apology note that melted even my IoT-skeptic heart.
The shop and shoplifter are both chronicled in a blog post by fashion site Rockyt. These are their stories. (chung-CHUNG!)
The incident went down on Saturday, but ANOMIE posted the above video to Facebook late Wednesday morning. “Do you recognize these girls? They were in our Union St. SF store on May 27th at 4:45pm and the girl in the tank top stole 2 items,” the post says. “She said they were from the Vancouver area (Washington or Canada, I don't know) and that one maybe lives in SF currently? Reward for information that leads me to the thief!! [We are not accusing the girl in the scarf or girl in leather jacket of theft. The video clearly shows the girl in the tank top stealing twice and we want to catch HER!]”
The post is hashtagged #therealfashionpolice, so I have to admit that I brazenly shoplifted that joke up in the introductory paragraph.

But lo! Social media justice warriors did their thing, or perhaps the young pilferer simply felt guilty, because within five hours the goods were returned along with a beautifully articulated handwritten apology note according to another ANOMIE post.
“I can’t apologize enough for what I did on Saturday,” the note reads. “There are no words to adequately say I’m sorry. There is also no excuse. I realize that the honour and hard work of owning a small shop in any community is beautiful and important and should be celebrated and supported, not broken down and taken from. I don’t know what I was thinking, except that I wasn’t, and the regret and shame I feel are unbearable. Please find enclosed the items and some money to help replace the short with restocking fees. Know that this will never happen again anywhere and I will always be sorry.”
Please excuse me ‘cause I am just bawling over here. It’s a sweet redemption story, and all happened because ANOMIE didn’t keep any empty Nest. Perhaps BART can take a lesson from what happens when security cameras are real and not decoys.
Related: Stanley Roberts Takes On Safeway Shoplifters