Here at SFist, we're declaring this San Francisco Appreciation Week. Perhaps it's just the good mood the weather has put us in — and yes, I know, not everyone loves the heat, and some of you are allergic to sun — but we thought it was about time to set aside some (if not all) jadedness and snark and show some special attention to the things that make SF great and weird and wonderful. And it's not like we've never done this before, but occasionally all of us need these reminders, especially with this crazy election looming and the typical, never-ending flow of bad news cycles.

And we kick off with a list of things that long-term and semi-long-term San Franciscans should all be familiar with.

You're not a real San Franciscan until...

You get confused at the sight of small children, and assume they’ve been shipped in from out of town.

You drop everything and run to the beach/park the minute the temperature goes above 80.


You’ve stayed in a bad relationship just because of rent control.