Anti-tech/gentrification posters now flying in front of #Zeitgeist #RealestateSF
— SocketSite (@SocketSite) August 2, 2016
Flyers posted outside of Mission bar Zeitgeist remind us that animosity toward the tech industry remains a constant these days in San Francisco. Socketsite reports that the three signs pictured above stand in opposition to a proposed housing development across from the watering hole, and tie the 28-unit condo building to tech in an effort to smear it via association with the much-maligned industry.
"BIG MONEY HAS NO PLACE IN OUR CITY, YOU AREN'T WELCOME!" reads one poster in all caps. "CONDOS ARE NOT COMMUNITY," reads another above a rendering of a condo development. "$$$ = NOT SF!"
"MUSIC & ART COMMUNITY WANTS YOU (TECH) TO LEAVE," the third flyer helpfully concludes.
The project, of course, is simply one of a number of much needed rental and condo projects slated for the neighborhood some of which are 100-percent affordable. But, these days, it's hard to tell a Mission activist that any kind of new development isn't tech-driven, or a disaster of some kind and San Francisco has never been good with change!
Anti-tech flyers in San Francisco aren't a new thing, and in addition to the incidents still fresh in everyone's minds, the practice of throwing up posters decrying the changing neighborhood goes at least as far back as 1998 with the wonderfully named Mission Yuppie Eradication Project.
If approved, the new development would replace the Oil Changers station at Valencia and Duboce. If these signs are any indication, however, the approval isn't going to come without at least some neighborhood push back.