Hey party people, good news: As they have in previous years, BART has announced it will runs trains until 3 a.m. on New Year's Eve night/New Year's Day. The extra time should allow you to fully imbibe to your heart's desire and not drive home across the bridge. (Seriously, don't drink and drive.) However, pay close attention, as the announced “skip-stop” schedule reads like one of those "if two trains leave Baltimore at 2 p.m." SAT questions.

"To further ease platform crowding at our busiest stations, Embarcadero, Montgomery, and West Oakland," the announcement reads, "beginning at 8 pm, BART will utilize a 'skip-stop' train pattern into and out of San Francisco."

What does this mean, you ask?

Well, if you're heading into SF after 8 p.m., certain trains will skip either the Embarcadero or Montgomery BART stops. If you're leaving the city after the fireworks end, you can only use certain stations to board certain trains. For example, if you want to get on a Pittsburg/Bay Point train, you have to board at the Montgomery Street Station.

We recommend you read the detailed scheduled in advance, and not try to figure it out at 2:30 a.m.

As always, remember there's no drinking on BART.

Previously: NYE BART To Run Until 3 AM, Tradition Of Skip-Stop Continues