• The SF Police Commission is set to vote tonight on rules governing body cameras, which officers will be issued next year. [SF Weekly, Chronicle]
  • Yesterday the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance that protects tenants living in illegal or in-law units from getting displaced or evicted without notice when a landlord wants to improve or demolish a unit. [Mission Local]
  • The Hot Cop of the Castro Chris Kohrs was arraigned today amidst a barrage of media, and pleaded not guilty to two felony counts of hit-and-run. [CBS 5]
  • A Berkeley woman who lost her legs when she fell through a gap in a train platform in Austria and was struck by a train can not sue the railroad from the United States, just because she purchased her ticket from here, according to the Supreme Court. [Chron]
  • SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi penned an op-ed on the brutal beating of Stanislav Petrov saying that Alameda County won't release any details, and no charges have yet been filed against the officers responsible. [Chron]