A handsome office building fanned by palm fronds at 1033 Polk Street is getting what Curbed calls an "eye popping" upward addition from Stanley Saitowitz's Natoma Architects. The project sponsors have released these renderings, which are unique not just because of the projecting concrete balconies, but also in their simple willingness to offer something a bit unusual in these cookie-cutter rental times.



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Recently, and also in San Francisco, Natoma was responsible for the uniquely window-shaded condo complex at 8 Octavia.

Farther afield, in Sleepy Hollow, CA, the firm designed the Washington Irving-nodding Bridge House.

The 1033 Polk development (at Cedar) was first spotted by Buzzbuzzhome. It contains just nine units, all set to be rentals. That's two per floor at first, and then up top, full-floor, two-bedroom penthouse units.

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The original building will remain commercial space, with an office on the second floor and retail at ground level. After groundbreaking, construction would take a year and two months.

Finally, rest assured: The palm trees won't be disturbed.

Via Google street view