- The defense rests in SF's The Shieldesque police corruption case. [SF Chronicle]
- The SF teachers' union has reached a tentative contract with the SFUSD. [KCBS]
- DA Gascon wants stores to accept new, less skimable credit cards. [PC World]
- The person who made your fancy coffee this morning might have lost their health insurance, as Blue Bottle confirms that it has cut off benefits for part-time staffers. [Valleywag]
- "Behind the Hedges and Inside the History of Danielle Steel's Spreckels Mansion" [Curbed SF]
- Some jerkface set Duboce Triangle's Little Free Library on fire. [Hoodline]
- Uber's fundraising, AGAIN, this time with a reported 40 billion dollar valuation. Of course! [SF Business Times]
- The [New York Times] notices that many Silicon Valley Businesses have moral and ethical issues.
- Board of Supes OKs new laws to protect retail workers [SF Examiner], agreed to give the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission a right of first refusal on providing power to new developments in the city. [SF Chronicle]