- Even more minimum wage fears: restaurant threatens to replace staff with computers if increase proposal passes. [KPIX]
- "Reputed street gang member" convicted of stabbing SF 49er Aldon Smith in the leg during wild party. [NBC Bay Area]
- Proposal to give tax breaks to urban farms on empty lots expected to be introduced at the Board of Supes today. [Reuters]
- Anti-Eviction Mapping Project releases graph highlighting SF income inequality growth and how it compares to other major cities. [SF Bay Guardian]
- Bryan Stow's attorney says that lost wages and medical costs over his lifetime could total more than $37 million. [Associated Press/ABC7]
- Remember how we told you how that big rope sculpture at Embarcadero station was getting removed? Well, there it goes. [ABC7]
- California cops are still fighting crack sentencing reform. [SF Weekly]