While many shows at the new SFJAZZ Center can be star-studded, pricey affairs, tonight's event is far less highfalutin—and its free!
Adam Theis and the Monday Night Band is the center's community-based big band operation, comprised of "pros of all different levels...people who maybe haven't had the chance to play in a big band before, who just happen to be really smokin' players." Tonight they'll play "fresh arrangements from Bay Area musicians and the band members themselves,"
You can hear more of what Theis, an acclaimed Bay Area musician, composer and bandleader, thinks of Monday Night Band in the video below. Stick around for a taste of what they'll be presenting tonight. Delightful!
What: Monday Night Band Free Showcase Concert
When: 7:30 PM
Where: Miner Auditorium, SFJAZZ Center (201 Franklin Street at Fell)
Cost: Free